The Disciple’s Goal – Finishing Well! Galatians 6:6-10
If you are being taught the Christian message, you should share all the good things you have with your teacher. Do not deceive yourselves; no one makes a fool of God. You will reap exactly what you plant. If you plant in the field of your natural desires, from it you will gather the harvest of death; if you plant in the field of the Spirit; from the Spirit you will gather the harvest of eternal life
So let us not become tired of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest. So then, as often as we have the chance, we should do good to everyone, and especially to those who belong to our family in the faith.
1. Keep on REAPING and SOWING (6-8) So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. " Isaiah 55:10-11 Factors that enhance finishing well i. PERSPECTIVE ii. RENEWALS iii. DISCIPLINES “I am serious about finishing well in my Christian ministry. I discipline myself for feat that after challenging others into the Christian life I myself might become a casualty.” 1 Co 9:24-27 “….instead exercise your mind in godly things. For physical exercise is advantageous somewhat but exercising in godliness has long term implications both for today and for that which is to come.” 1 Tim 4:7b, 8
iv. A LEARNING posture “In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, learned from the Scriptures the number of years that Jerusalem would remain in ruins. The LORD had told the prophet Jeremiah that Jerusalem would remain in ruins for 70 years. So I turned to the Lord God and looked to him for help. I prayed, pleaded, and fasted in sackcloth and ashes.” Daniel 9:2-3 “And when you come don’t forget the books Timothy.” 2 Timothy 4:13 v. MENTORING
2. Don’t grow WEARY in SOWING and REAPING (9-10) So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith. Galatians 6:9-10 MSG Six characteristics of those who finish well i. They maintain a vibrant RELATIONSHIP with God ii. They maintain a LEARNING posture iii. They manifest CHRIST LIKENESS in character iv. Truth is LIVED out v. The leave behind an ultimate CONTRIBUTION vi. A growing sense of DESTINY
Response What will you stop doing, start doing or do differently as a result of today’s message?