Session 271 Comparative Emergency Management Session 27 Slide Deck
Session 272 Session Objectives 1.Define the Multilateral Organizations 2.Describe the United Nations, and Provide Examples of How it Participates in Emergency Management 3.Define Regional Multilateral Organizations, and Provide Two Brief Examples of Regional Multilateral Organizations Involved in Emergency Management
Multilateral Organization An organization that is made up of central governments of individual countries Session 273
Organizational Possibilities Globally-based Regionally-based Organized around a common issue or function Session 274
The United Nations The General Assembly The Security Council The Economic and Social Council The Trusteeship Council The Secretariat The International Court of Justice Session 275
OCHA Established to accommodate the needs of victims of disasters and emergencies Coordinates assistance provided by the UN system in emergencies that exceed the capacity and mandate of any individual agency Session 276
OCHA Categories of Response Coordinating the international humanitarian response Providing support and policy development to the humanitarian community Advocating for humanitarian issues to ensure that the overall direction of relief reflects the general needs of recovery and peace building Session 277
OCHA Leadership, Components, and Offices Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) The Inter-Agency Steering Committee (IASC) Disaster Response System UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination Team (UNDAC) Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) On-Site Operations Coordination Center (OSOCC) Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs (ECHA) Donor Relations Section (DRS) Session 278
IASC Coordination Actions Developing common strategies Assessing situations and needs Convening coordination forums Mobilizing resources Addressing common problems Administering coordination mechanisms and tools Session 279
IASC Objectives Develop / agree on system-wide humanitarian policies Allocate responsibilities among agencies Develop and agree on a common ethical framework Advocate common humanitarian principles to parties outside the IASC Identify areas where gaps in mandates or lack of operational capacity exist Resolve disputes or disagreement about and between humanitarian agencies on system-wide humanitarian issues Session 2710
DESA Actions Compiles, generates, and analyzes economic, social, and environmental data and information Facilitates negotiations of members in on joint courses of action to address ongoing or emerging global challenges Advises national governments on translating UN-developed policy frameworks into country- level programs and helps build national capacities Session 2711
UNCRD Supports training and research on regional development issues and facilitates information dissemination and exchange Maintains a Disaster Management Planning Office that researches and develops community-based, sustainable projects for disaster management planning and capacity- building in developing countries Session 2712
UNDP Capacity building central to the UNDP mission Empowers host countries to be better able to address issues of national importance Moved into the area of disaster management as more disasters affected larger populations and caused greater financial impacts Developing nations where the UNDP works face the greatest disaster vulnerabilities Projects indirectly address mitigation / preparedness roles Session 2713
UNDP / BCPR Foci Natural disaster reduction Recovery Mine action Conflict prevention and peace building Justice and security sector reform Small arms and demobilization Session 2714
BCPR Disaster Reduction Unit Increasing capacity for disaster risk reduction Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development Increasing investment in disaster risk reduction Session 2715
Other UN Agencies UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) World Food Programme (WFP) World Health Organization (WHO) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) UN Disaster Management Team (UNDMT) Session 2716
CAP Allows humanitarian aid organizations to plan, implement, and monitor their activities Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) Initiated in three types of situations: –When there is an acute humanitarian need caused by a conflict or a natural disaster –When the government is either unable or unwilling to address the humanitarian need –When a single UN agency cannot cover all requirements Session 2717
Regional Multilateral Orgs Address issues of regional / global importance Can be more focused / less bureaucratic Examples: –NATO –EU –OAS –SADC –CEPREDENAC –CDERA Session 2718