WWF Low-carbon Office Operation Programme (LOOP) Shape our Future! October 2009 to March 2010
“Shape our Future” is the first-of-its-kind competition bestowing awards and public recognition on companies that have, through showcasing their best practices in the Low-carbon Office Operation Programme (LOOP) website, demonstrated they are part of the solution to climate change.
Award Category Low Carbon Practice Award – policies and practices which are best in design and most effective in implementation Innovative Technology Award – technology which is both efficient and cost effective in reducing energy and carbon emissions Behavioural Adaptation Award – human behavioural changes to reduce emissions with no assistance from any improved technology
Judging Process Round 1: Short-listed top five entries in each award category via online multiple voting by journalists, WWF members and climateers. Round 2: Final judging by: –Mr Bernard Chan, Chairman, HKCSS and Council for Sustainable Development –Ms Audrey Eu, Chairperson of Legislative Council Environmental Affair Panel –Mr Alex Fong, CEO, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce –Mr Ben Tsang, Director China & Hong, SGS HK Ltd –Ms Laura Weeks, Director, Development, WWF-HK
Low Carbon Practice Award Winning Company Kai Shing Management Services Ltd - Management office of Metroplaza Name of ActionTake the Lead in Carbonless Public Views726 Public Votes1,006 Judging Panel average score 75.0%
Take the Lead in Carbonless
Innovative Technology Award Winning Company Crystal Group Name of ActionBoundary-less Communication for a Low Carbon World Public Views1,095 Public Votes1,067 Judging Panel average score 76.0%
Boundary-less Communication for a Low Carbon World
Behavioural Adaptation Award Winning Company Kai Shing Management Services Ltd – Public Area of Office Tower 1, Metroplaza Name of ActionFour “R”s make a Miracle Public Views1,460 Public Votes1,651 Judging Panel average score 67.8%
Four “R”s make a Miracle
Behavioural Adaptation Award Winning Company Sailing Boat Catering Management Ltd Name of ActionLow Carbon Office Activities Public Views3,221 Public Votes1,006 Judging Panel average score 66.2%
Low Carbon Office Activities
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