Institutional Development Capacity development Research and Monitoring Bilateral/Regional Cooperation
Institutional Development Wildlife Crime Control Coordination Committee Minister, MoFSC Chair Chief Nepal ArmyMember Chief of Nepal Police Member Chief Armed PoliceMember Chief of NIDMember Secretary, MoFSCMember Secretary, MoLJ Member Secretary, MoDMember Secretary, MoFMember Director General, DNPWC Member Secretary NTNC & WWF NepalObserver Member Coordination at policy level
Institutional ……. Wildlife Crime Control Bureau Director GeneralCoordinator Nepal ArmyMember Nepal Police Member Armed PoliceMember National Investigation DeptMembe Department of customMember Department of ForestMember Deputy Director General Coordination at operation level Operation through Rapid Response Cells in 13 districts
Proposed Locations for Quick Response Cell
Capacity Building Wildlife Scene of Crime investigation training for 40 NP and NA staff members Wildlife Crime Investigation Training for 30 PA staff members Wildlife Crime Prosecution Guideline Workshop on CITES listed Plant Species – CITES Secretariat CITES interaction workshop – John Saller
Community Based Antipoaching Mobilizing local youths in Bardia & Chitwan mainly in the transborder areas Arrest of two Chinese citizens with two rhino horns
Research and Monitoring Science base monitoring of tiger, rhino & elephant Focus on animal movement in transborder, corridor connectivity area Use of innovative technology to study endangered species (tiger and rhino) Up dating Nepal Red List for mammals, birds, reptiles & amphibians
Movement of Recently Translocated Tiger in Bardia NP
Bilateral/Regional Cooperation MoU with People’s Republic of China Resolution with India Anti-poaching, Anti-trade and other transboundary conservation issue Regional IDA
Support and Collaboration National and International Organizations mainly WWF Nepal, National Trust for Nature Conservation Wildlife Conservation Nepal ICIMOD CITES Secretariat US Fish and Wildlife Service Zoological Society of London Global Tiger Forum
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