Jānis Bethers 25 / 01 /200 8 Aksedo
Presentation / Discussion on Results of Research Reuse of Public Field Information in Latvia
Methodology of Research Analysis of documents Analysis of websites Expert interviews Survey of re-users Cooperation with analysts of ePSIplus and activities in ePSIplus meetings
Likumdošanas analīze Requirements of Directive 2003/98/EK technically have been introduced – Accessibility, directness, equality, as well as prohibition of discrimination The structure of legislation and terms used create indetermination – Re-use or freedom of information?
Culture of PSI Provisions of cooperation between PSIH and re- users are not regulated by legislation – No insight on provisions of cooperation – Shortage of operative data processing, selection facilities Shortage of a unified and well-established practice Stereotypes obstruct cooperation between re- users and PSIH
Culture of PSI Electronic data exchange – a forthcoming reality? – Double exchange of documents is practised Chanells for requesting information 7,79%18,18%11,69%35,06%18,18%6,49% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Total FaxTelephoneVisit to InstitutionLetterOnline Channels for receiving information 6,49%9,09%15,58%33,77%16,88%18,18% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Total FaxTelephoneVisit to InstitutionLetterOnline
Culture of PSI Supply – demand displacement of foreign languages
Culture of PSI Impartment of information “Re-use” – a new concept presently creating incomprehension Time needed for preparing information 22,08%72,73%5,19% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Total 1-3 days4-7 days8-14 days
PSI Re-use business Uneven competition in various spheres of PSI Potential exploration of PSI reuse potential has been commenced A model for successful development: public private partnership – Cooperation on use of system maintenance outsourcing
PSI Re-use business Definition of PSIH task: giving information without competing private sector – Undefined bounds of liability – whose responsibility is it to create added value and deliver to re-user? Demand for services with added value is increasing
Financial Impact A unified solution for determining prices does not exist Directive gives a permissive disclaimer that prices should be cost orientated Reuse between State administration institutions has not been stipulated: – Information is not being sorted (reuse of exchange (delivering)) – Directive determines a set non-discriminating approach – one pricelist for all
Financial Impact Prices are determined by hundreds of regulations by Cabinet of Ministers individually for each institution Cost calculations – heavy (out-of-date and mismatch market situation) Low flexibility (basic data versus information with added information) Problems with defined sources of financing for database maintenance
Information Management, Standards and Quality of Data Absence of unified standards – For exchange of technical data – Metadata Lack of information on PSI location and available data format Necessity for standardization resiliency – applicable to various areas of PSI
Information Management, Standards and Quality of Data Surveyed re-users are satisfied
Developed Solutions Definition of responsible authorities – Introduce requirements for Directives in legislation – Organize informative campaigns (booklets, educating campaigns) – Provide explanations of terms and definitions – Establish a transparent and effective system of complaints – Identify and bring forward examples of successful experience – Consults participants of PSI re-use industry
Developed Solutions Raising understanding would create – Explanations of legislation and terms – Explanation of rights and responsibilities of industry participants – Analysis of gains-losses of involved parties – Analysis of desirable pricing policy and potential gains – Analysis of information standards and management problems – Analysis of successful experience examples
Developed Solutions Changes in legislation Principle of “One-stop agency” Researches on satisfaction of re-users Unified standards in pricing policy Development of services in private sector PSI market analysis and marketing
Thank you for your attention! Jānis Bethers Research and Consulting Centre Aksedo 17 Tirgoņu Street, LV