Library 2.0 and OCLC Eric Childress Consulting Project Manager OCLC Programs & Research Amigos Tecnología aplicada: innovación en los servicios bibliotecarios Cholula, Puebla, México 5 September 2008 Amigos 2008
Outline About OCLC About OCLC Programs & Research The Network Environment Library 2.0 OCLC applications and activities
About OCLC and OCLC Programs & Research
OCLC Founded 1967 in Ohio, U.S.A. Non-profit Offices located in 10 countries Mexico: OCLC Mexico Dedicated to public purposes: Reduce the rate of rise of library costs Further access to information Worlds largest library cooperative 69,000 libraries 112 countries
OCLC Services
WorldCat Number of bibliographic records: 110 Million How often a record is added: Every 10 seconds Number of holdings: 1.3 Billion Number of countries represented: 112 countries and territories around the world Number of languages and dialects represented: More than 470 How often a request is filled through WorldCat Resource Sharing: Every 4 seconds
Mexican Library Collections in WorldCat Statistical study by Dr. Brian Lavoie (OCLC Research) July 2008 Mexican libraries in OCLC: 173 Materials published in Mexico (in WorldCat): 582,591 Original WorldCat records contributed by Mexican institutions: 269,435 Total holdings in WorldCat attached to Mexican-contributed records: 533,640 Spanish-language materials in WorldCat: 3,601,796 Spanish-language bibliographic records: 650,487
OCLC Programs & Research OCLC Research Leading applied research center Devoted to supporting OCLCs public mission Conducts academic research Builds prototypes Works on standards Assists OCLC new product development work RLG Programs Partnership of OCLC with leading research libraries, archives, museums agencies in 14 countries Explores issues important to research institutions Staff have expertise in special collections, archives, museums, and the needs of scholars
The Network Environment
Digital Opportunity Index
Mexico – Telecommunications & Internet Landline telephones million (2006) Celluar phones: million (2007) Internet users as a % of population: 2000: 2.7% 2007: 21.3%
Top 20 visited Web sites worldwide Top Web properties worldwide by number of visitors - June 2008 (SEW)SEW
Top 10 Web sites in Mexico Top 10 Web properties (mobile Opera browser users) in Mexico - July 2008 (SMW)SMW
Library 2.0
Library 2.0 = the Web generations library Rethinking everything Library 2.0 is a state of mind Building Web 2.0 services: 24/7 access Web everywhere Portable devices Social tools User-contributed content Data mashups Perpetual beta Re-designing library space: Computer-friendly More space for people, less space for library stacks Moving books to storage Group use Gaming/entertainment spaces Food & drink allowed
flickr commons Launched January 16, 2008 with photographs from the Library of Congress Users comment and tag Additional information helps agency improve metadata for images Users can reuse images Public domain images Additional collections added: Bibliothèque de Toulouse (France) George Eastman House (U.S.) Powerhouse Museum (Australia) Smithsonian Institution (U.S.)
Sample OCLC Library 2.0 Activities All of WorldCat on the Web Searchable Displays locations of libraries worldwide that own a copy of the title Social features: User Profiles Lists Toolbars and widgets FireFox search Facebook widgets WorldCat syndicated on the Web Google, Yahoo, etc. Links to on Google Book Search, other sites WorldCat Identities Pages for each of 25 Million+ persons, organizations, fictious characters in WorldCat Links to, Wikipedia, other sites APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) xISBN, xISSN, etc. WorldCat API Lists Registered users can create WorldCat lists User-created bibliographies on the Web Find items in WorldCat and add to one or more lists Add a note to each entry Export citations Lists may be private or public RSS feeds are available for use on blogs, etc. and Third Parties OCLC has made WorldCat bibliographic data available to selected third parties These third parties direct users to their local library by linking back to HCI Bibliography
Google Book Search links to Widgets OCLC has released small applications for WorldCat for: Browsers Blogs / Web sites Popular sites (e.g., facebook)
WorldCat in facebook Search WorldCat inside facebook Display results
See friends lists WorldCat Lists in facebook
WorldCat Identities Built by data mining WorldCat, Authority Files, more OCLC-generated pages for each of 25 Million+ persons, organizations, fictious characters in WorldCat Includes links to, Wikipedia, other Web sites
OCLC Grid Services
Further reading OCLC Programs and Research OCLC WorldCat Identities OCLC Grid Services OCLC Reports OCLC América Latina (Español)