AP Agenda for Sept. 17, 2012 Daily Objective: To understand the vocabulary to be successful on the AP Exam Daily Assignments: Do AP MC Practice #3 Watch “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore” and analyze, discuss Work on literary terms or One Child Index Note: I have extended the due date on the literary terms for your class to September 21, 2012 AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS; your One Child index is still due at September 21, 2012 at 11:59 pm to we will work on both of these assignments next class period
AP Agenda for Sept. 18/19, 2012 Daily Objective: To learn the specialized vocabulary for success in Advanced Placement Daily Assignments: Assign Literary Terms Assignment #2- due next Monday, Sept. 24 (for A Day) and Tuesday, Sept. 25 (for B Day); The National Literary Term Bee will (tentatively) be Monday, Oct. 1 (for B Day) and Tuesday, Oct. 2 (for A Day); Your quiz on these terms will be Thursday, October 4 (for A Day) and Friday, October 5 (for B Day) Work on literary terms or index to One Child in the computer lab Continue Walk in the Woods presentations On Friday, your literary terms will be due at the beginning of the period; we will also be completing our Kobald’s Bag Activity, which is described on p. 139, and FINALLY finishing our Walk in the Woods presentations
AP Agenda for Sept. 20/21, 2012 Daily Objective: To significantly raise our delicate self-esteem by taking to heart the sincere compliments our classmates write to us. Daily Assignment: Turn in literary terms and remember to turn in One Child index on Friday by 11:59 pm Complete Kobald’s Bag Activity Complete Walk in the Woods presentations
ENC 1101 Agenda for September 18, 2012 Daily Objective: To understand how to independently read college-level texts for comprehension. Daily Assignment: Pass out Review Guide for next Wednesday’s MidMidterm Test (worth 200 points) Measure Reading Rate Read riddles in Literature book and write/share a riddle Work on The Canterbury Tales index Remember: Your final draft of your essay is due Thursday by 11:59 pm (and you will have half the period to work on it); you should also bring your Readings for Writers book on Thursday
ENC 1101 Agenda for September 20, 2012 Daily Objective: To effectively incorporate literary criticism into an essay. Daily Assignment: Work on final draft of Brave New World essay; due tonight at 11:59 pm Go over the Readings for Writers selections on this week’s syllabus On own: What is a Writer’s Voice, Tone: The Writer’s Voice, The Waltz; Division/Classification (which your next essay will be) Together: Move Over Teams, Incidents with White People, Warriors Don’t Cry
ENC 1102 Agenda for September 18, 2012 Daily Objective: Daily Assignment: Finish and share fable Read “The Yellow Wallpaper” together and create your own yellow wallpaper Begin reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find”
ENC 1102 Agenda for September 20, 2012 Daily Objective: Daily Assignment: Work on rough draft of Short Story essay- due tonight at 11:59 pm Finish reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and read critics’ analyses of it; write three quotes from story and two from critics, plus a paragraph of how you would analyze it if you had to write a short story literary criticism Read “The Rich Brother” (Note: This super-short story is homework if not finished) Pass out Review Guide for next Friday’s test on Short Stories (worth 150 points)