総務省統計研修所 Statistical Capacity Development - Japan’s Experiences International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues and Challenges Beijing, September 2011 Shigeru Kawasaki Statistical Research and Training Institute Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
総務省統計研修所 1 1 National Statistical Capacity Development 2 Bilateral Technical Cooperation Projects 3 Support for the UNSIAP 4 Conclusion Outline
総務省統計研修所 2 - For national statistical training, the Statistical Training Institute was founded in (Later to include “Research”.) - It provides statistical training for the statistical personnel of the central and local governments. Main Target: Central Government: approx. 5,000 Prefecture Governments: approx. 2,000 - This year, it offers 18 courses for about 1,000 trainees. Courses include: Comprehensive Course, National Accounts, Demography, Economic Analysis, Survey Design, Microdata Analysis, etc. - Distance-learning course is provided to local government staff. - To reflect the recent training needs, emphasis is shifting to application of statistics and methods to public policies, researches in collaboration with academia, and dissemination through education. 1 National Statistical Capacity Development
総務省統計研修所 3 - In the bilateral technical cooperation projects for developing countries, statistical capacity building is an important element. - The Statistics Bureau of Japan was engaged in the projects funded by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), for example: Indonesia (1980 Population Census) Sri Lanka (1991 Population Census - not implemented) Tanzania (Data utilization and dissemination) - Since 2005, the Statistics Bureau has been engaged in the Statistical Capacity Development Project for Cambodia funded by JICA, assisting the Population and Economic Censuses. - Technical cooperation projects have advantages because they provide both end-products and capacity development, provide customized program to meet the country’s needs, provide opportunities to learn from practice in real work. 2 Bilateral Technical Cooperation Projects
総務省統計研修所 4 UNSIAP (UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific), located in Chiba, Japan, has been providing training for the statistical personnel of developing countries in the region since In the four decades since its foundation, UNSIAP conducted more than 500 courses. Over 12,000 statisticians from about 120 countries were graduated from the courses. - UNSIAP closely collaborates with ESCAP and its member countries as well as international organizations such as UNSD, UNDP, UNFPA, IMF, World Bank, etc. The Japanese government provides financial and in-kind supports as the host country. - With its 5-year strategic and implementation plans, UNSIAP provides a variety of courses, e.g. Tokyo-based training courses, outreach program, research based training, management seminars, distance training, etc. - The Governing Council commissioned by ESCAP Committee on Statistics reviews and advises on the operation and work plan. 3 Support for the UNSIAP (1)
総務省統計研修所 5 3 Support for the UNSIAP (2) CountryTotal Tokyo- b ased OutreachDistance Thailand Sri Lanka China Philippines Nepal Malaysia Pakistan Indonesia Viet Nam Mongolia Bangladesh Maldives Myanmar Other ESCAP (55)4,8431,2723, Non-ESACP (69) Total12,3373,0199, Table 1 Number of Participants in UNSIAP Courses ( ) Source: “SIAP-ESCAP: fifth decade of statistical training” E/ESCAP/SCT(2)/INF/30 Paper presented at the ESCAP Committee on Statistics, December 2010
総務省統計研修所 6 Some important elements of statistical capacity development: - Appropriate training at the appropriate timing - Building professional networks for further self-development - Customizing the courses to meet varied and changing needs - Developing programs under a good governance and framework - Experiencing the real examples of the good practices - Forging partnership with NSOs and international organizations and more …… 4 Conclusion
総務省統計研修所 7 The End Thank you!