House Rules Learning the ropes of a production class
Gentle Reminders as we start off the school year. YOU will be treated with respect. You will respect yourself, your peers and those who teach. Please, no crude remarks or outrageous mischief.
Come into the lab room quietly and read the daily agenda on the screen and follow the directions. You will be asked to sit at the round tables or at your work station. If you sit at your work station, make sure it’s your assigned seat or you may be counted absent.
Do not leave the room …unless I ask you to or you ask me in the event of an emergency. Use the restroom and get drinks before you come to class. No food or drinks allowed in the lab—this includes water bottles. If it’s an emergency I have restroom passes on the bookcase. Fill them out and I will sign it. Return the pass when you come back.
No horseplay EVER! This means no wrestling OR “planned” attacks. This goes for gals as well as guys.
No private conversations while I am teaching or giving directions. You will be working on several photography and writing projects the first weeks of school. Once I give the directions, you have an opportunity to ask questions. Then, you must use your staff manual or staff study guide. If you are completely lost, ask you neighbor for help. If you find yourself completely lost, raise your hand, and I WILL come help you. Inside voices are to be used. You can talk as long as it’s about journalism and related to what we are working on.
Navigating the Network Veteran journalists will be assigned to help those of you who need help during production—such as designing, downloading photos or navigating on the network. It’s so important to log on and save to the correct space. That space is like The Office – it’s your office space. Always log on with your 047 UN and PW. If your log on does not work make sure the CAPS lock is not on. If you still cannot log on I will notify our tech support.
The year is just beginning Check out the posters in the room: calendar dates publication/deadline dates how to get to the journalism website where the crates are that house your manuals and study guide how grades are determined where the camera cords are housed, etc.
Goldfish Crackers are the Official Journalism Snack These are distributed during production /deadline days during overtime. Peppermint Patties –staffers - because you all deserve a pat on the back Goldfish crackers – since Mrs. Dowd loves to fish, and we HAVE to think outside the tank Crunch Bars – when the news staff is getting the paper or magazine ready for press, and they are “crunched” for time
Class Assistants & Clock Watchers 1.Each week I will ask for a student to ring the bell five minutes before class is over. 2.This is your signal to begin finishing up and saving your work. 3.The class assistant will dismiss students one by one at the end of the period—ensuring the student has logged off, pushed in their chair and picked up trash (yep all those candy wrappers) behind monitors need to go. Do not rush to the door or you will be asked to go back to your work station. 4.Those who exhibit excellent conduct and good work ethic will receive extra privileges such as hitting the halls.
What are we doing today? Again, come into the room quietly and read the agenda on the overhead. Typically, I will have the J website up or What are we doing today. The website tells you WHAT to do. We do not begin with written warm-ups, but will begin a typing program. You should always look at the website and note what we are to accomplish each week. Begin with typing for five minutes using Open the e-edition of the paper to read the headlines for the day if you finish up your typing assignment. Then, we will begin class.
What to expect day by day Monday is teach and show day Most assignment handouts are online so USE the J website It’s
The rest of the week Mondays – Teach Day Tuesdays and Wednesdays - Independent work on project or assignments Generally, Thursday is a reflection/show and tell day. Friday is a production day, “ketchup” day or quiz day. This schedule is subject to change.
Online games and tests Most tests, quizzes, games, typing practices, assignment handouts and surveys (newspaper critiques) are completed online. Why? I can easily graph who is having trouble understanding, and I can view your grades. YOU also get to know immediately what your grade is. We review after a test to check why you missed a question
But, I need to finish my math homework. If you finish your work, please use our class resources. Time magazine – READ National Geographic – READ Online Statesman – READ the news Books – You can check out novels from my class library OR view the LOOK BOOKS Clean out your photos – Only keep 10 in each folder – the best you want others to use for publications!
Detentions for Horseplay or wrestling Disrespect towards the teacher or classmates Abuse of the computers Leaving class without permission Private conversations while I am giving DIRECTIONS to the class General abuse of YOUR time Anything else that disrupts the learning environment in THIS class
Questions? Do you know where to find things in the lab? Do you know what to do if you have finished your work? Do you know what is acceptable noise level in the J room? Do you know how to ask for help? Do you know what is acceptable movement from work stations to the round tables or to the teacher work station?