Upcoming Dates to Remember: Spell Bowl Tryouts after school–9/17 September Birthday’s: Kendall (12 th ), Allyson (15 th ), Connor T. (18 th ), Griffin (26 th ) and Trey (28 th ) Upcoming Dates to Remember: Spell Bowl Tryouts after school–9/17 September Birthday’s: Kendall (12 th ), Allyson (15 th ), Connor T. (18 th ), Griffin (26 th ) and Trey (28 th ) Weekly Goals AR Goal – 4 AM Goal - 5 Weekly Goals AR Goal – 4 AM Goal - 5 Classroom Notes: Please encourage your child to read 20 minutes at least five nights a week. Below are some suggestions on ways on how to help your child reach this goal: Make a set family reading time. Keep books by their bed. Read while you wait at a restaurant or doctor’s office. Listen to stories online. Keep a few books in the car. Please make sure to check out our classroom website. Our homework is posted daily along with other important information. Miss Flaherty’s Weekly News Week of September 8 th
What’s Happening Reading – This week we will continue focusing on the R.A.C.E. reading strategy. This will help students properly respond to questions by looking back in the text and citing information they read. Spelling – Spelling lists go home on Monday. The pretest in on Wednesday. If your child receives 90% or higher on the pretest they do not have to take the final test on Friday. Writing/Grammar/Vocabulary –We are wrapping up our first unit on subjects, predicates, run-on sentences, fragments and the four types of sentences. There will be a test over the unit on Tuesday, September 9 th. Please help your child study by reviewing their notebook and their Sentence Chef packet. After our test we will move our focus on to the 6+1 Traits of Writing. ~Miss Flaherty Science – We will continue learning about the Scientific Method this week in order to successfully carry out investigations. First, the students will experiment with the solubility of Skittles and then perform an investigation to see if the shape of a paper airplane affects how far it travels through the air. We will have a quiz over science tools and the Scientific Method on Wednesday or Thursday! ~Mrs. Ortiz Math – 4th grade math is learning about the relationship between lines and shapes. Do you remember terms such as parallel, perpendicular, rhombus, and trapezoids? We are also brushing up on regrouping with addition and multiplication. 5th grade math is finishing up geometry and they will be creating a poster for geometry. I will be looking forward to seeing their creative projects that showcases what we have been reviewing. This is due Sept 12th. They may bring it in anytime prior to the due date. We are also working on multiplication facts.~Mrs. Wentz Indiana History and Health –We are progressing through our first unit. I am over the moon with all the eager participants I have this year! Our first health test will be Friday, September 12 th. The test will cover lessons four through six. Please help your child study by reviewing their study guides and really focusing in on those vocabulary words from their book. ~Mrs. Fritz Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns...or just to say, "Hello!" or Ext. Miss Flaherty