OCLC Online Computer Library Center DeweyBrowser Diane Vizine-Goetz OCLC Research July 2005
Outline Why Dewey? Background DeweyBrowser Dewey on ResearchWorks
Why Dewey? Continuously updated Serves a world-wide user base through translations & adaptations Libraries have a large investment in Dewey DeweyBrowser can help users find & access library materials
Background Initial prototype by Thom Hickey –See March postings on Thoms blog for motivation and technical details Outgoing. Library metadata techniques and trends by Thom Hickey.
Early Prototype
Status Many interface enhancements Summaries in five language Multiple collections –OCLC eBooks –Dewey Abridged edition(A14) Future plans –Find in a Library link (eBooks) –Wiki link (A14)
Sample Screens eBooks (775 Digital photography) eBooks (German captions: 775 Digitale Fotografie) a14 (mp3 players) a14 (mp3 players; Dewey record)
Dewey on ResearchWorks
Links DeweyBrowser – er/ebookshttp://deweyresearch.oclc.org/ddcbrows er/ebooks OCLC ResearchWorks – orks/ orks/
Project Staff & Contributors Julianne Beall Carol Hickey Thom Hickey Andrew Houghton Joan Mitchell Larry Olszewski Lance Osborne Roger Thompson Harry Wagner