1 By: Ani K. Kazarian Research Scholar, The C.A.K.E. Foundation United Nations 56th Annual DPI/NGO Conference September 9th, 2003 Micro-Finance: Empowering Women and Persons with Disabilities Toward Economic Security DRAFT 9/8/03 10:30 PM
2 Outline of Presentation I. Background II. Overview III. Process Steps IV. Team Member Roles V. Appendices
3 I. Background II. Overview III. Process Steps IV. Team Member Roles V. Appendices I. Background
4 Ani K. Kazarian Background Research Scholar of The C.A.K.E. Foundation Several years as team member Focus - NIS/Global benchmarking and best practices High school senior at The Lincoln School I. Background
5 The Charles & Agnes Kazarian Eternal (C.A.K.E.) Foundation 501(c)(3) non-profit, operating foundation, established in 1998 Foundation assets approaching $20 million Areas of focus: education, technology, and healthcare Lead sponsor of Community Micro-Finance Other initiatives include: Japonica Intersectoral, language software program, and public sector benchmarking publications I. Background
6 II. Overview I. Background II. Overview III. Process Steps IV. Team Member Roles V. Appendices
7 Community Micro-Finance: Mission “Providing financial and social support services to women and individuals with disabilities of Armenian heritage” II. Overview
8 Armenian women are a driving force for change, yet have a much higher unemployment rate than men Individuals with disabilities are largely neglected if not shunned Micro-finance supplemented by social support services strengthens democracy and free enterprise II. Overview Our Situation Assessment
9 C.A.K.E.’s Community Micro-Finance Initiative Provide financial and social support services to women and individuals with disabilities of Armenian heritage Create a network of leading U.S. and Armenian providers Manage metrics to increase effectiveness of funding Develop a model that can be replicated globally II. Overview
10 Key Team Members II. Overview C.A.K.E. Outreach Partner(s) Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities Micro-finance Provider(s) Healthcare and Rehabilitative Services Coordinator
11 III. Process Steps I. Background II. Overview III. Process Steps IV. Team Member Roles V. Appendices
12 Six Process Steps Established New Philanthropy Benchmarking as framework Requested 4 customized Executive Briefs Reviewed relevant research literature Met with industry professionals Conducted due-diligence on Micro-finance providers Currently drafting letter agreements III. Process Steps
13 Established “New Philanthropy Benchmarking” as Framework New Philanthropy Benchmarking: Wisdom for the Passionate (NPB) - To learn more go to - Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, etc. III. Process Steps
14 Requested 4 Customized Executive Briefs III. Process Steps Requested 4 Executive Briefs from Japonica Intersectoral Costs 10% of a comparable work product Received in a fraction of the time to alternatives (3 to 4 weeks) Can be found at
15 Example Resources from Literature Reviewed Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP) Rating Agencies USAID UN/UNDP World Bank Women’s World Banking (WWB) Micro-finance bulletins and trade journals III. Process Steps
16 Meetings with Industry Professionals: Select Examples USAID UNDP Planet Finance rating agency - Paris Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities NIS Regional Organizations - Yerevan, Moscow, Kiev III. Process Steps
17 Due-Diligence of Micro-Finance Providers Identified and researched 5 prospective candidates Selected top candidates had benchmark transparency - each had extensive rating profiles Conducted two day on-site due-diligence Performed extensive reference checkings III. Process Steps
18 Drafting Letter Agreements with Providers and Partners Outreach Partner(s) Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities Micro-finance provider(s) Healthcare and rehabilitative services coordinator III. Process Steps
19 Team Member Roles IV. Team Member Roles I. Background II. Overview III. Process Steps IV. Team Member Roles V. Appendices
20 Global Micro-Finance Guiding Principle “ Credit without DISCIPLINE is nothing but charity. Charity in the name of credit will destroy the poor, not help them.” IV. Team Member Roles
21 IV. Team Member Roles Key Team Members C.A.K.E. Outreach Partner(s) Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities Micro-finance Provider(s) Healthcare and Rehabilitative Services Coordinator
22 C.A.K.E.’s Role Oversight management Coordinates funding Continuously researches benchmarking and best practices Minimize unintended consequences IV. Team Member Roles
23 Outreach Partner(s)’ Role Develop marketing / PR strategy Utilize member network Initial screening of candidate Allocate seed capital grants Supplement business development services IV. Team Member Roles
24 Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities’ Role Internationally recognized benchmark Provide training to local social service professionals Improve business development programs IV. Team Member Roles
25 Micro-Finance Provider’s Role Develop affinity group loan products - entrepreneurs - students - employers of target group Process loans Coordinate business development services - business plans - classes and workshops IV. Team Member Roles
26 Healthcare and Rehabilitative Services Coordinator’s Role Coordinator of specialist providers Suggest candidates Provide assistive devices and rehabilitative services Provide occasional medical treatment IV. Team Member Roles
27 V. Appendices I. Background II. Overview III. Process Steps IV. Team Member Roles V. Appendices
28 Appendix A V. Appendices Executive Summary
29 Appendix B V. Appendices Two day due-diligence agenda
30 By: Ani K. Kazarian Research Scholar, The C.A.K.E. Foundation United Nations 56th Annual DPI/NGO Conference September 9th, 2003 Micro-Finance: Empowering Women and Persons with Disabilities Toward Economic Security