Finish reading The Glass Menagerie Work on Prezi Presentation of Research Paper in the freshman foundation (unless we can find a lab to take over in this hall); it is due next class period
Pass out final exam review Give Prezi Presentation (2-3 minutes) In the last few minutes if you have not gone I will be asking for your username and password for your Prezi account so I can look over your Prezi today. You will still have to present your Prezi to the class on May 21, but this prevents you from getting away with fixing (or even finishing) your Prezi by that time. Reminder: Your notebook is due on May 21; Favorite journal and comment on someone’s journal is due the same day.
Notebook check Work on and hang up your Chinese Lantern on The Glass Menagerie Do a choral reading of a poem in Elements of Literature book Begin to watch clips from Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Show Then and Now Powerpoint Continue watching clips from Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Work on final exam review Remember to bring your books the day of the final exam if you would like to attend graduation and get a diploma.
Take final exam I will be collecting your books as you work on the exam Reminder for the rest of your life: Always do your best, be kind to others, be awesome, and do something important!
Work on packet Watch clip from Suze Orman show Read packet from Suze Orman
Study for and take quiz #8
Do Practice #9 Assign Packet #9 (seniors need to do grammar section only)
Work on Packet #9
Do Computer Lab Assignment #9 and #10
Work on packet
Turn in packet and take Quiz #9
Final Exam
Amazing Race
Take AP Exam Watch Charlotte’s Web
Assign Writing Portfolio Begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird in the Circle of Love and Understanding
Finish reading To Kill a Mockingbird in the Circle of Love and Understanding and PROBABLY complete a modified Socratic Seminar on it. Begin watching Seabiscuit; be prepared to do a comparison/contrast activity on TKAM and Seabiscuit Remember: Your notebook is due next class period. Your favorite JQ and comment on someone’s JQ is due by 11:59 pm on May 24.
Notebook check Finish watching Seabiscuit Remember to turn in favorite JQ and comment on someone’s JQ to Discussion Board of tonight.
Do comparison/contrast activity on TKAM and Seabiscuit Go over AP Literature Essay Question Work on Writing Portfolio in Rm. 215
Do a Choral Reading of a Poem Work on Writing Portfolio in Rm. 215
Share your favorite part of your Writing Portfolio; remember it needed to be turned in to by the time class