Welcome to 4th Grade Dolphin Debut Friday, August 21, 2015
Learning Objectives: Math: –Large number computation strategies –Creative problem solving –Decimals, fractions Science –Patterns of change –Hands-on learning: garden, experiments LOOKING FORWARD TO FOURTH GRADE
Learning Objectives: Writing: –Personal narratives –Explanatory papers Reading: –Exploring genres –Comprehension strategies LOOKING FORWARD TO FOURTH GRADE
Learning Objectives: Social studies: –Texas History: Native Americans – present –New textbook adoption / student consumables Spelling –Differentiated groups –Focus on patterns using Words Their Way LOOKING FORWARD TO FOURTH GRADE
FUN OPPORTUNITIES: Choose your seat at lunch Field trip – Homestead Re-enactment at Jesse Jones Park Hands-on science labs Living Texas History Museum Math Olympiad Recorders Service learning
We are BIG kids now! Student Responsibilities: –Fill out your planner and get it signed –Remember your homework –Come prepared with supplies every day –Clean out folder daily! Our day begins at 8:00. Students will not be permitted to call home for forgotten items after the tardy bell rings.
HOMEWORK Please check your child’s planner daily for homework assignments Communicate in the planner if your child struggles with an assignment The purpose of homework is to reinforce/practice skills to mastery Positive incentive for consistently completing assignments
AT-HOME READING Fourth graders will be encouraged to turn in a signed READING LOG 80+ minutes a week = Reward coupon
SUPPLIES If you did not purchase an EPI pack, check our 4 th grade webpage for the supply list. Please be sure your child has all supplies on the 1 st day of school.
CLASSROOM INCENTIVES “BUG” tickets “Being Unusually Good” Redeem for coupons and prizes
FRUIT BREAK and WATER BOTTLES Please send a healthy snack each day for your child. Students may have a water bottle labeled with their name to use in the classroom and during specials. Water bottles should contain only water.
LUNCH VISITS Reminder – no visitors for lunch during the first 2 weeks of school while we establish our routines. You are welcome to visit during lunch beginning September 8. Thank you for understanding!
BIRTHDAY TREATS The only option is to purchase frozen treats (Blue Bunny) from the cafeteria. Please see the cafeteria manager for information at least 2 weeks in advance. If your child has an end-of-year or summer birthday, watch for announcements regarding the deadline for ordering.
TARDIES Arrival: Students should not arrive at school before 7:30 AM. The tardy bell rings at 8:00 AM. Students are tardy after 8:00 AM. Instruction begins promptly at 8:00 AM.
ATTENDANCE Students must be in the building at 9:45 AM to be counted present.
DISMISSAL Provide your child’s teacher(s) with a written note first thing in the morning when changes occur. Parents must request in writing the release of their child to anyone not on their emergency list. This request must be received first thing in the morning. Teachers are not always able to check during the day. For this reason, please CC Anne Tynan on dismissal s so that we can be sure the message is received. Thank you!
TRAFFIC PATTERNS - CARS Please do not park on the street and ask your child to walk to your car for dismissal. This is dangerous and causes more congestion on the street. Please place car rider sign in front window Cell phone use is not allowed in a school zone
Last year, your generous donations helped fund the following: DWE Annual Fund Campaign Technology: 14 iPads, Dongles, 60 headphones, a 10 iPad charging station, and really cool apps Math: interactive hallway activities, Math Mania Day/ 100 Days celebration, Lone Star Digital Learning, Daily Café: Math Daily Three Staff Development: Math Conference –Greg Tang Smart Strategies, Out With the Old; In With the New – New TEKS, Figure 19 – Reading Comprehension, Assistive Technology and Instructional Materials, Expository Writing, Texas Library Conference, GT Conference, Music Conference, Autism Conference – Temple Grandin Can you believe how much you helped us accomplish? Look what we have in store next…
DWE Plans for the Future Place 4 iPads per classroom Purchase science lab tables for 5 th grade lab Create a science lab in multipurpose room for 2 nd and 3 rd grade Create a kindergarten and 1 st grade science lab Continue offering high quality training for staff Fund innovative ideas for the classroom Please consider donating to our DWE Annual Fund Campaign. You can donate using cash or check in the lobby area tonight, or you can go to the DWE web page and donate using a credit card.
DWE Annual Fund NO door-to-door sales Any amount is GREATLY appreciated 100% of every gift benefits DWE! Go to Pages/DWEAnnualFund/tabid/550473/Defa ult.aspx to make a donation. Pages/DWEAnnualFund/tabid/550473/Defa ult.aspx THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Key Features News Check out the latest district wide and school news all in one place! Calendar Events Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app. Home Access Center Access student grades and attendance. Humble Independent School District Mobile App Now Available
More Information Online Please check out our Fourth Grade page for our Parent Orientation PowerPoint presentation. It contains more detailed information about our policies and procedures.
REMINDERS FOR NEXT WEEK Come to school on Monday! Friday is early release (12:00). Lunch will be served at school. Monday, September 7, is a HOLIDAY. (Don’t come to school.)
BEFORE YOU GO… Planners : We are collecting $5.00 cash or check. Information Sheet – Please complete and turn in before you leave. Apple Tree – These items will be used throughout the year. THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to a fun-filled year of learning.