Let’s learn the different charities in China! Save China’s Tigers 拯救中国虎.


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International charities
Unit 7 International charities
Presentation transcript:

Let’s learn the different charities in China! Save China’s Tigers 拯救中国虎

Project Hope 希望工程

Project Green Hope 绿色希望工程

Spring Bud Project 春蕾计划

Save China’s Tigers protects tigers and other big cats in China. Project Hope helps schools and students in poor areas. Project Green Hope helps protect rivers and lakes in China. helps poor young girls return to school. Spring Bud Project

Do you know the charities around the world?

国际奥比斯 (ORBIS) 是一个独立的 国际志愿服务组织, 运作至今已有 20 多年的历史. 奥比斯的精神象征是一 架由喷射客机改装而成的 “ 眼科飞行 医院 ” ,这个点子来自于美国德州的 眼科医生大卫培顿,借由飞机快速 无疑的行动能力,可以将先进国家 的医疗设备和人员技术,带到失明 人口集中的发展中国家。 ORBIS

Doctors can do operations on the plane They also train local doctors and nurses, teach them new skills and knowledge.

奥比斯 ORBIS How does this charity work? It helps the blind people in poor areas. It is famous for its Flying Eye Hospital.

WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature 世界自然基金会 How does this charity work? It helps protect the environment, such as forests, rivers, oceans and so on.

乐施会 (Oxfam) 是一个具有国际影响力的 发展和救援组织的联盟, 1942 年在英国牛 津郡成立,乐施会是跨越种族、性别、宗 教和政治界限,与政府部门、社会各界及 贫穷人群合作,一起努力解决贫穷问题, 并让贫穷人群得到尊重和关怀的组织。 “ 助人自助,对抗贫穷 ” 是乐施会的宗旨和 目标。 Oxfam

How does this charity work? It works to help poor people.

Everybody has the equal rights to receive basic education. However, some children, especially those from poor areas, can’t go to school like us. Listen and tell how UNICEF helps people.

How does this charity work? It provides basic education for children in poor countries. It works for the equal rights of girls and women. It works to prevent the spread of serious diseases like AIDS. It helps build a better world for everyone, especially children all over the world.

Part A: Match the logos with the charities UNICEF Oxfam ORBIS WWF

1. __________ provides food, health and education for children. 2. __________helps blind people in poor areas by plane. 3. __________helps people in poor countries. 4. _______ protects the environment and wild animals. ORBIS Oxfam WWF UNICEF

What can we do to support the charities?

Listen to the tape with the following questions. 1. What does Hobo want Eddie to do? 2. What does Eddie want to do first? Why?

1.What does Hobo want Eddie to do? 2.What does Eddie want to do first? Why? He wants Eddie to donate his pocket money. He wants to have lunch first because he is too weak to walk any further.

Read and then complete this passage Hobo hears that charity n____ money. He wants to donate Eddie’s p____ money to it. But Eddie wants to have lunch f___. because it’s 12 o’clock. He says that he is too w___ to walk any f ______. Finally, Hobo asks Eddie to come on because they only have five kilometres l____. eeds ocket irst eak urther eft

Work in pairs and read the conversation. You can add your own ideas.

根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. Jim has some p_____ money that his parents gave, so he wants to buy a new bike. 2. WWF is one of the i___________ ( 国际 的 ) charities in the world. 3. He feels so w____ that he can’t stand up. 4. It also works to prevent the s_________ ( 扩散 )of some serious diseases. ocket nternational eak pread

Homework Search for more info. about these charities we have learnt.