Tropical Rainforest Made by Genni, Leila, Clay and Molly.


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Presentation transcript:

Tropical Rainforest Made by Genni, Leila, Clay and Molly

Zoologist Tropical Rainforests!!!

Herbivores A herbivore is an animal that eats only trees or plants. A few examples of them in the tropical rainforest are: The Leaf Cutter Ants, Gorilla and fruit bats!

Carnivores A carnivore is an animal that eats only meat ( Other Animals.). A few examples of them in the tropical rainforest are: The Bushmaster Snake, Anaconda and a bush dog!

Omnivores A herbivore is an animal that eats both meat and plants. A few examples of them in the tropical rainforest are: Chimpanzees, margay and the pygmy marmoset!

Decomposer One decomposer from the tropical rainforest is cockroaches. All decomposers play their role in a biome because they put nutrients back in to soil, water, etc.

Abiotic and biotic Abiotic factors are not alive or an organism. Like water or air. They help animals of the tropical rainforest because they need soil for plants to grow. Also rain water is good for plants to grow. Biotic factors are any living organisms. Plants are good for animals to eat and other animals could eat each other for fuel.

Adaptations Some animals adapt to the tropical rainforest with camouflage. The sloth has a greenish tint that makes it invisible with the trees. Camouflage is for the use of not becoming prey or catching prey. Other animals have to adapt to all the humidity.

Food Chain Bush master snake Fruit batGorilla Trees Leaf cutter ant

Meteorologist Tropical rainforests!!!

Temperature The rain forests are warm all year long The average temperature is between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Rain and humidity The daily high humidity in the average rainforest is year long. The yearly rainfall is between 80 and 400 inches or about 200 to 1,000 centimeters of rain per year It can rain hard and up to 2 inches in a hour so it is very wet!!!

Light Only 2% of the sunlight that hits the upper layers of the rainforest reaches the forest floor. There is also only 12 hours of daylight. The undergrowth in a rainforest is small in many areas because of the lack of sunlight at ground level.

Monthly and yearly trends At first it is cool, then it changes to a warmer climate in the middle of the day and finally it becomes a rainy evening. Tropical Rainforests also have an equatorial climate. Tropical Rainforests need lots of rain to survive

How the trends affect us Tropical Rainforests produce lots of the earth’s oxygen. Without them we would have less oxygen. Burning rainforests can affect the world’s climate by releasing carbon dioxide. Without the rain that keeps the tropical rainforests alive there would be no rainforests and without them there would be lots of floods and droughts.

Geographer!!! GREEN=Rainforest BIOMES: the rainforest Clay Wilms Geographer LINKS/BIBLIOGRAPHY TASK 1 This type of biome is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Directly between these 2 places is the equator. The equator is the hottest place on earth so the rainforest is VERY hot. Task 2 GREEN=Rainforest No rainforests are higher than the Tropic of Cancer or lower than the Tropic of Capricorn. So it is almost always hot there. Task 3 There are a lot of trees. Trees as far as the eye can see.


Soil Soil helps and allows plants to grow on the rainforest floor even though there are not many plants that live on the forest floor. There is not much sunlight on the forest floor because there are so many trees blocking the way of it. So mostly, the plants live in trees or off the ground so they can get the essential sunlight they need which is one of the reasons most animals live in the trees to eat the vegetation.

Climate In the rainforest, the climate is normally humid caused by all the rainfall. There is normally 250 centimeters of rainfall a year. The reason there is so much rain is because the rainforests of the world are found near the equator. These locations are very hot and wet places on the map. Since they are found near the equator, and there is lots of water there, there is more evaporation which would make more rain. Any plant in the rainforest would have to be able to handle humid and wet climates to survive here. If not, they would not last very long here.

Sunlight Sunlight in the forest is mostly only at the top and because of the different layers of foliage in the rainforest, most of the plants adapted to live with little or no sunlight and Mostly only the top layer of vegetation gets the sun light anyway.

Types of Plants Andiroba Brazilian Peppertree Cat’s Claw Damiana Espinheira santa Fedegoso Guava Peppermint/Mint Iporuru Jatoba

Sources 314AAIjxpV 314AAIjxpV f_the_Amazon_rainforest#ixzz16yjrUbr8 f_the_Amazon_rainforest#ixzz16yjrUbr8 Bcs media center s6/www/where.html 60s6/www/where.html