April th Grade SS
Monday, April 7 th, LT: I can reflect on the “human footprint” on the earth and understand human environment interaction. 4/7 Do now: 1. What are some ways that humans affect the environment? 2. What are some ways that the environment affects us [humans]? Humans and the Environment
Tuesday, April 8 th, LT: I can reflect on the “human footprint” on the earth and understand human environment interaction. 4/7 Do now: 1. What are some ways that humans affect the environment? 2. What are some ways that the environment affects us [humans]? Humans and the Environment 4/8 Do now: Describe your environmental footprint While you’re at school.
Wednesday, April 9 th, LT: I can reflect on the “human footprint” on the earth and understand human environment interaction. 4/7 Do now: 1. What are some ways that humans affect the environment? 2. What are some ways that the environment affects us [humans]? Humans and the Environment 4/8 Do now: Describe your environmental footprint While you’re at school. 4/9 Do now: What are some ways that you can Decrease your Human Footprint (your Negative impact on the earth)?
CHAPTER 5: HEI Green 112-Green 119 Read and take CN and answer all ?s on page 119 either by yourself or with a partner. The expectation is that you have completed notes by the end of the period.
CHAPTER 5: HEI Green 112-Green 119 Read and take CN and answer all ?s on page 119 either by yourself or with a partner. The expectation is that you have completed notes by the end of the period.
FINISH THIS FIRST: Green 112-Green 119 Read and take CN and answer all ?s on page 119 either by yourself or with a partner. The expectation is that you have completed notes by the end of the period. THEN YOU CAN: OR Work on your SLC OR Make up work for another class.
LT: I can show what I know about HEI. DO NOT get your notebook (they’re waiting to be scored.) Clear off your desk of everything (put it under your chair, maybe) Get YOUR laptop (your number is taped to the printer on the cart). If there is something wrong with your laptop, let me know immediately so I don’t blame you for it! Turn on your computer but then WAIT. Monday, April 14, 2014
LT: I can take Cornell Notes on Land Use DO NOT get your notebook (they’re waiting to be scored.) Get a BRAND NEW, clean piece of paper and set it up as Cornell Notes You definitely need your social studies book today. If you finish early, computers are available so that you can work on SLCs or check your grades If you finish early, computers are available so that you can work on SLCs or check your grades Tuesday, April 15, 2014
LT: I can take Cornell Notes on how humans affect the environment. DO NOT get your notebook (they’re waiting to be scored.) Get a BRAND NEW, clean piece of paper and set it up as Cornell Notes You definitely need your social studies book today. If you finish early, see Ms. Hall. Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Thursday, April 17 th, LT: I can look at different interactions from both perspectives. 4/17 Do now: Think about TACOMA. How do we USE the environment? How do we AFFECT the environment? HEI Compare and Contrast **NOTEBOOKS ARE ON THE ROCKING CHAIR
LT: I can put together/work on my SLC for advisory. Write your learning target in your planner. Get out a piece of paper and a pencil. You don’t need anything else today. On your paper, write your name and today’s date in the top right corner. Choose either your HEI test or your Frame Report to answer the following question on your paper: How did you do on the assignment? Was it better or worse than you thought you’d do? Explain the assignment and how you got the grade you got. Monday, April 21, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, LT: I can look at different interactions from both perspectives. 4/22 Do now: Summarize the Marco Tempest (magic With iPods video) you saw yesterday. Annotated Bibliographies
Wednesday, April 23, LT: I can look at different interactions from both perspectives. 4/22 Do now: Summarize the Marco Tempest (magic With iPods video) you saw yesterday. Annotated Bibliographies 4/23 Do now: In one sentence, what was the MOST IMPORTANT piece of information from The Lady of the Lake?.
Thursday, April 24, LT: I can look at different interactions from both perspectives. 4/22 Do now: Summarize the Marco Tempest (magic With iPods video) you saw yesterday. Annotated Bibliographies 4/24 Do now: In one sentence, what was the MOST IMPORTANT piece of information from The Lady of the Lake?.
How your summary earns points: Has 45 words or less (1 pt), Has 25 words or less (1 pt), Identifies the story (1 pt) and the author (1 pt), Includes Hallie Illingworth (1 pt), Mentions saponification or turning to soap (1 pt), Talks about a murder investigation (1 pt), Mentions a year (1937 or 1940) (1 pt), Mentions Lake Crescent or a lake.
Please log in to Win:Home and open your PowerPoint. This conference is student-led, but Ms. Hall is here for support and observation.
Monday, April 28, LT: I can summarize different Pieces of text. 4/22 Do now: Summarize the Marco Tempest (magic With iPods video) you saw yesterday. Annotated Bibliographies 4/24 Do now: In one sentence, what was the MOST IMPORTANT piece of information from The Lady of the Lake?. 4/28 Do now: What type of information do you need To include when writing a summary?
LT: I can write a summary in 10 words or less. Task: 1. Read the story with a partner or on your own. 2. CITE the source (using info from your notes or ask Ms. Hall) 3. Write a summary using only the MOST IMPORTANT information. At 10:00 we will move to the next steps.
Tuesday, April 29, LT: I can describe HEI in the Amazon. 4/29Do now: What do you know about the Amazon Rainforest? The Amazon Wildlife Human Affect WWF
Wednesday, April 30, LT: I can describe HEI in the Amazon. 4/29Do now: What do you know about the Amazon Rainforest? The Amazon Wildlife Human Affect WWF 4/30 Do now: How do you cite a source? What information do you need in a Bibliography?