Jesus was "on trial before Pilot". Jesus allowed himself to be taken before Pilot to be "tried.“ He had been approved as a Lamb He had been approved as righteous. Now He is tested by government –He tested Pilot’s sincerity in his quest for truth by asking –“Is that your own idea, or did others talk to you about me?” – v 34 He gave Pilot enough information to make a judgment "My Kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."
Jesus allows each of us to `put Him on trial' He will test our sincerity. He will give the honest seeker evidence enough to make a judgment.
But eventually the tables turn. At the point where Pilot had evidence enough, –he found himself on trial. The same thing happens to each of us. –We must each decide what to do with Jesus.
One could deny that Jesus is a King We might claim to not believe in the Spiritual realm. We might pretend that this in an `unknowable'. We might plead that there is not enough `convincing information'. –But we can’t wash our hands
Denial is irresponsible It is a form of escape from the hard work of deciding. It serves as a mask for refusal.
One could allow Jesus to be a King of ‘His Kingdom’ while still remaining king of our own kingdom. Pilot could have let Jesus rule the spiritual while ruling Judea. We can let Jesus rule the `spiritual' while we rule the `physical' of life.
Such a choice is not one of neutrality …it is a rejection of Christ’s rule. Pilot washing his hands
The best alternative is that of submission. One can recognize who Jesus is and surrender to him in love and devotion. –the King of Love. –the Prince of Peace. –God come in flesh - Emanuel To surrender to Jesus is to loose nothing. –It is to step into harmony and to synchronize with order. –It is the equipment for freedom, wisdom and righteousness. We don’t have much -- He owns the universe.
Submission to the King of Kings results in: Better behavior, –because we are accountable to Him. Better work, –because we are stewards under him. Better decisions –because we are in harmony with Him, his laws, principles, and purposes. Better Character –because we are transformed by grace.
Herod the Great reacted in denial. He had the right information But he chose to try to kill the Messiah. Slaughter of the innocents
The Wise men from the east came in humility and Submission They came looking for the one who was to be King of the Jews – Mt 2:2. Wise men still recognize him as king as submit to Him.