A Study of Hanger Excellence
The Need for Speed (or Hangers) Customized/personalized hangers. Everyone needs to hang up their clothes. Retail Stores need hangers for the clothes they sell. Appearance can be crucial!
Formalization Experimentation Founded by Ron Maier in Miami, Florida Privately owned company. Completely Web-Based
What Could they Possibly Sell?? strives to provide high quality hangers to everyday buyers at affordable prices.
What EXACTLY Do They Do? Provide a wide array of hangers Wooden Metal Satin Glam Hangers contribute to the image of a retail store.
Commerce Value Chain Attract First Google hit for the search “Hangers” Maier (the founder) publishes many online articles. Interact No tax (Outside of Florida) Free shipping for orders over $300 Monthly specials! Attractive, user-friendly interface
CVC 2…The Sequel Act No tax (Outside of Florida) Free shipping on orders over $300 Easy to use shopping cart Accepts all major credit cards 24 hour shipping Pre-defined quantity sizes helps make shipping more efficient
CVC 3…How Long Does This Take? React Accepts return within 30 days of purchase Offer UPS and Fed-Ex tracking for orders Restocking fee
Mark and Mo…How does it work??
Show us more…more!!
Me Likey…Encore!!
Innovation…Alexander Graham Bell Style Hanger sale is a niche market Internet provides a useful medium for success in such a narrow market Niche markets must reach a broad audience to succeed
Who’s Listening?? Retailers Everyday People Hanger Enthusiasts?
Here’s Who’s Actually Listening!
More Boring Graphs…YAY!
Even MORE Boring Graphs!!
Marketing Strategies Strategy based on Market Dominance Growth Strategy – Intensification Narrow market reassures buyer of product quality
Internet Strategy Based around a specific product… Hangers!! Market to audience that will return often Channel Master
SUCCESS!! Privately Owned Company Very little public information regarding stock prices, page hits, publicity etc. Site manages an estimated 5,721 unique visitors every month
Life or Death Situations Success will rely on their ability to establish deep relationships with long-term customers. Customer service is important in this endeavor.
It’s the ONLY Place to Buy Hangers! What can OnlyHangers do to improve? Need more internet presence...Including advertising, testimonials, reviews etc. Take a more personal approach to selling hangers.
Will Pass the Sixth Grade??
This Presentation Has Been Brought to you by… The Letter M!!
References (duh) cid=319&sid=558 cid=319&sid=558 Hangers_458833x htm Hangers_458833x htm _strategies _strategies