University of Udine Ripartizione Ricerca Università degli Studi di Udine Vicolo Florio, Udine – Italy
University action University Education Research Technology Transfer
PhD courses involve PhD courses Education Research Technology Transfer
The University of Udine offers a wide range of quality teaching, research and services, which derives from its multidisciplinary approach to research. The University of Udine and development A region's development is linked to its ability to keep abreast of change and innovation The University of Udine has become a strategic partner of companies, private and state institutions and schools
PhD Students and Research Grant Holders 20 courses 466 PhD students (1/1/2007) 232 male 234 female 228 research grant holders 122 male 106 female
PhD courses act as a link between higher education and enterprises PhD graduates play a crucial role in the development of the region
PhD course content Seminars Research projects Research abroad -Research centres -Enterprises -Universities Applied research
Research Administration Department at the University of Udine Supports the technology transfer process: patents and start-ups; Organizes the Start Cup Udine business plan competition; Promotes innovative national and international research projects; Manages PhD courses and research grants.
Research Administration Department Technology Transfer Office Research planning PhD and post graduate course management Consulting service National and international research projects Framework Programme for RDT - EUTraining PhD Courses Research grants Patent management and licencing Setting up academic spin-outs University enterprice agreements Business plan competition
TTO Research Administration Department Technology Transfer Office Start Cup Patent Applications Spin Out Research exploitation Promot e Entrepr eneurial Spirit IP right s prot ectio n and licen cing Sup port for Star t ups Internal and Externa l Marketi ng
TTO Diffusion of knowledge and information on IPR issues and opportunities; Intellectual Property Rights protection; IPR licensing and sale; Research for and with industry; Promotion and support for University/Industry partnering; Joint University/Industry research laboratories; Diffusion of business culture; Promotion and support for research based start- ups; Consulting service.
Patent applications Patent
Patent applications Patent
Spin Outs Sector Spin outs Agricultural and food technologies 2 Economics 1 ICT 2 Industrial engineering 2 Medicine and Biomedicine 3 10 Spin out company
Start Cup Udine Business plan competition; The participation is open to both private individuals and corporations Prizes: 1st €15.000,00; 2nd €10.000,00; 3rd € 5.000,00 Start Cup Udine takes part in the Italian Innovation Award
Goals and Results Goals: –to promote entrepreneurial spirit with specific teaching activities; –to put alumni in contact with the business opportunities; –a very important goal is team building. Results: –entrepreneurial attitudes and skills have been promoted and disseminated; –wellnone among institutions and venture capital firms cross fertilization between sectors.