1 Unit XI World Affairs Chapters 32,33,34
2 Issues of War and Peace ch. 32 Vocabulary terms Aggression Aggressor Idealism Inborn Balance of Power Conflict Resolution Containment Diplomacy Escalate Isolationist Mediation Negotiation Obsolete Pacifists Peacekeeping force
3 Discussion questions 1.Do you think that there is any justification for a nation’s going to war? Why or why not? Read pages In your opinion do we tend to glorify wars in our history books? There always seem to be a war going on in some part of the world. 3. Why do you think that there have been so many wars in the history of the world?
4 Discussion questions (continued) 4.What did General William T Sherman mean when he said “War is Hell”? (he was referring to the many deaths, wounds, rapes, imprisonments, and destruction of property that accompany all wars) 5.Do you think we should describe war like this descriptor or emphasize more on the glory that accompanies war? (Do video games and movies help trivialize war?)
5 Read Pages “Are humans natural killers or is killing a learned activity?” Why do nations go to war? Read pages In your opinion which cause of wars has been most important? 8.How possible is it to achieve a world without wars? Explain your answer.
6 Paths to War 9.Have you ever encountered a bully when you were younger? Most people have had this experience or know somebody who has.
7 Paths to War 10.In your opinion how should one deal with a bully? Should one run away? Should one avoid the location where this person is known to hang out? Should one stay put and fight, even though one may get beat up? Should one organize a group of friends to fight the bully? Should one call the authorities to deal with the bully? Should one try reasoning with the bully, even if this might lead to being beaten?
8 Nations and citizens of nations have a similar range of options when nations are threatened with aggression by other nations.
9 Read page 437 Pacifism What does the word “ Pacifism ” mean? (belief that it is morally wrong to fight) (the label “pacifist” pertains to individuals who refuse to fight, not nations) (Pacifists believe the best way to achieve peace is to refuse to fight even when one’s country is the victim of aggression)
10 In your opinion do you think pacifism can lead to peace? Read pages Noninvolvement and involvement In your opinion which of the arguments do you think is the best.
11 Which label best describes the foreign policy of the United States? (Getting involved has been the foreign policy for most of it history. There were some periods however, when the country tried to avoid foreign entanglement and wars)
12 What does the term “ conflict resolution ” mean? (peaceful ways of settling disputes) How has the U.S. used this method to keep peace? (U.S. diplomats are regularly trying to keep the peace by negotiations) Example: settling disputes between Israel and its Arab neighbors
13 Define the term “ balance of power ”. (a situation whereby two opposing sides are of almost equal strength) How can having a balance of power help keep the peace? (with the balance of power, neither side is likely to attack the other for fear of retaliation)
14 In your opinion how well do you think the balance of power has worked in the past to keep the peace? (a balance of power existed before W.W. I, but did not prevent the outbreak of war) (after W.W. II a balance of power worked to prevent the outbreak of a war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union)
15 The U.N. uses conflict resolution to try and keep the peace. How else does the U.N. try to keep the peace? (Its peace keeping forces are stationed between warring nations or groups to try and prevent the outbreak of wars or other forms of fighting)
16 (Sometimes the U.N. has authorized the use of military force to repel a country that has invaded another country, such as when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990.)