History of Psychology Welcome to Seminar for Unit 7 With Professor Kimberly Maring
Today First, congratulations are in order! This week’s seminar continues on our discussion about behaviorism in the modern world. We will focus on recent theorists and their contributions to the field.
3 Stages of Behaviorism There are three stages in the progression of the behaviorist school of thought: – Watson is foundational for the beginning of behaviorism. 1.Watson’s Behaviorism ( )
There are three stages in the progression of the behaviorist school of thought: – Watson is foundational for the beginning of behaviorism. 1.Watson’s Behaviorism ( ) 2.Neobehaviorism ( ) – Tolman, Hull, Skinner
There are three stages in the progression of the behaviorist school of thought: 1.Watson’s Behaviorism ( ) 2.Neobehaviorism ( ) – Tolman, Hull, Skinner 3.Neo-neobehaviorism/sociobehaviorism ( ) – Bandura, Rotter
Tolman ( ) Purposive Behaviorism: Tolman’s system combining the objective study of behavior with the consideration of purposiveness or goal orientation in behavior. What is an intervening variable?
Purposive Behaviorism (Tolman) Behavior is a function of 5 variables: – Environmental stimuli – Physiological drives – Heredity – Previous training – Age Intervening Variables: Unobserved and inferred factors within the organism that are the actual determinants of behavior.
8 Operant Conditioning Skinner developed the Operant chamber, or the Skinner box, to study operant conditioning.
Baby in a Box Air crib, also called Skinner’s Baby in a Box Raised his second daughter in one 88F, 50% humidity Canvas mattress Air filter system Picture window
10 Types of Reinforcers Reinforcement: Any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.
Schedules of Reinforcement Continuous reinforcement refers to reinforcement being administered to each instance of a response Intermittent reinforcement lies between continuous reinforcement and extinction
Example of Continuous Reinforcement Each instance of a smile is reinforced
Example of Fixed Ratio Reinforcement Every fourth instance of a smile is reinforced
Example of Variable Ratio Reinforcement Random instances of the behavior are reinforced
15 Schedules of Reinforcement Unpredictable (or variable) schedule produces more consistent responding than a fixed schedule.
16 Punishment An aversive event that decreases the behavior it follows.
17 Punishment Conveys no information to the organism; what not to do, rather than what to do. Although there may be some justification for occasional punishment (Larzelaere & Baumrind, 2002), it usually leads to negative effects.
QUESTION What types of behaviors are acquired as a result of observational learning? How is modeling used to change behavior?
19 Bandura's Experiments: Social Learning Theory Bandura's Bobo doll study (1961) indicated that individuals (children) learn through imitating others who receive rewards and punishments.
20 Social Learning Theory Bandura’s studies show that antisocial models (family, neighborhood or TV) may have antisocial effects.
21 Television and Observational Learning Gentile et al., (2004) shows that children in elementary school who are exposed to violent television, videos, and video games express increased aggression. What do you think?
Self-Efficacy (Bandura) Self-Efficacy: One’s sense of self-esteem and competence in dealing with life’s problems. – Do what degree to you feel you have some effect over what happens in your life? Rotter’s Locus of Control External Locus of Control Individual believes that his/her behavior is guided by fate, luck, or other external circumstances Internal Locus of Control Individual believes that his/her behavior is guided by his/her personal decisions and efforts.