MAHANADI--- TEL- ONG S.TEL-> 6 BLOCKs:- 1.Dunguripali 2.Binka 3.Sonepur 4.Tarva 5.Ullunda 6.Biramaharajpur Nos. of GP-96
DISTRICT PROFILE SL. NO. ITEMDETAILS 01 Geographical area Sq.KM 02 Population (2001) SC (23.62%) ST 52978(9.78%) OC Male Female Density of Population 231/Sqr.km Sex ratio (Female/1000s) Male Total Percentage of Literacy 62.84% Male Literacy 78.94% Female Literacy 46.17% 06 Sub-Division2 07 Tahasil6 08 C.D.Block6 09 Town3 10 Municipality1 11 N.A.C.2 12 Police Station7 13 Gram Panchayat96 14 (a) Inhabited (b) Un-inhabited
STATUS OF GRAM PANCHAYAT COMPUTERIZATION Order placed to OCAC for hardware purchase of 96 GP of Subarnapur District. Blocks – 2 desktop with UPS, 2nos. laser printer & MS Office. GPs – 1 desktop with UPS / Laptop, 1 laser printer & MS Office Out of 96 GP, 33 GPs are non electrified, so laptop supplied. 63 GPs are electrify so supplied desktop All the hardware has been supplied and installed in all the 6 blocks and 96 GPs. Installation certificates for the GP Computerization from all the 6 BDOs have been submitted to Govt. in PR Deptt. vide Letter No dated 08/09/2010 with a copy to General manager OCAC, Bhubaneswar vide memo No dated 08/09/2010. Order issued to all BDOs for landline telephone connection with broadband facilities. Godrej make Chair & Table have been supplied to all GPs.
Status of Gram Panchayat Data Base Facility Centre (20 seated LAN) Instructions have been given to all BDOs for furnishing of the LAN Room as per requirement. Order placed for fixing of table, Dais, supply of Chair and the work is likely to be complete by 30th of this month. Hardware materials supplied to all the blocks and all are in shape custody of the BDOs i.e. 5 nos. of desktop with UPS One LCD projector One Touch screen Panel board. Networking equipments. All the Blocks will complete the work for 20 seated LAN by 30 th September, 2010.
Status report on PRIASOFT ZP LEVELPS LEVELGP LEVEL Master Data entry YES Completed in all 6 PS YES Completed in all 96 GP Opening Balnce Entry YES Completed in all 6 PS YES Completed in all 96 GP Voucher entryRV -8 PM-59 RV-16 PM-5 RV-5 PM-36
While login the website many time displayed “ your login is blocked” Please try after sometime. Session Time out Please login again message is being displayed after entry of 2 to 3 voucher. During Modification of Voucher “ Cheque error “ Message is being displayed. All users Like ZP/PS/GP Should have Different Id and Password for security point of view and there should be provision to see the user ID and Password of lower level by the upper level. PROBLEM FACED DURING SITE OPEN AND VOUCHER ENTRY Contd…….
Problem faced during entry Suggestions given in the workshop held on 24 th July 2010 is not fully changed so far. “Own resources” head is not available in the entry of Opening head Section. Entry should be scheme wise but not voucher type. It is not possible to entry more then one cheque no. in one voucher How to enter a Salary voucher where so many deduction and recovery like GPF, EPF, PT, Income Tax Deduction, Bank Loan and house rent, FA, moped advance etc. is available Receipt voucher requires transaction id, date and Transferring bank name which is not possible to furnish During entry time. System should generate automatic as well as manually voucher no. PROBLEM FACED DURING SITE OPEN AND VOUCHER ENTRY
Receipt other than grant-in ad is not possible under DRDA Administration scheme. It is not possible to enter a payment voucher where deduction like Royalty, sale of Gunny beg, Cess, Contingency expenditure. There is no Scope for transferring funds to GP/PS/ Line department at a time in single voucher. During the entry of Contra voucher i.e Treasury A/C to Bank A/C it requires Challan no. and date which is not available. Software requires “ no unfreeze voucher found for enter search criteria” during modification of immediate saved voucher. It is difficult to search a Cheque which is wrongly issue previously. There is no provision for inter scheme transfer of funds. PROBLEM FACED DURING SITE OPEN AND VOUCHER ENTRY
Suggestion A Training manual should be available in PRIAsoft website. Some common transactions related to ZP/PS/GP should be available in PRIAsoft site. Training programme should be organized for GRS/E.O of Gram panchayat at Block level