1 The Fulfillment of the Curriculum Guideline 李國禎 (Richard Li) 台中市光明國中英語科教師 台中市國中英語輔導團輔導員 (The English Advisory Group of Taichung City) 2012/05/15 ,明德女中.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Fulfillment of the Curriculum Guideline 李國禎 (Richard Li) 台中市光明國中英語科教師 台中市國中英語輔導團輔導員 (The English Advisory Group of Taichung City) 2012/05/15 ,明德女中

2 Presentation Outline Curriculum Guideline Indicators of Stage Competence Innovative Teaching Assessment for Learning

3 The Curricular Guideline ( 1. Basic Assumptions 2. Goals 3. Indicators of Stage Competence 4. Consistency in the 10 Key Competencies 5. Principles 6. Appendix

4 Basic Assumptions Communication Global View Competing globally

5 Goals Being able to communicate in a real life situation Cultivating learning motivation and studying habits Boosting cultural understanding

6 Indicators of Stage Competence Two stages 1. Primary 2. Secondary Three aspects 1. Language skills, including listening(1), speaking(2), reading(3), writing(4), comprehensive(5) 2. Interest and learning methods(6) 3. Culture and international understanding(7)

7 Identify the serial number 1: Three aspects(1~7) 2: Two stages(1~2) 3: Indicators(1~9) 4: Interpretations(1~3) Ex: 2-2-4: Can describe people, objects and events in daily life using simple English. *2-2-6: Can properly express oneself and communicate with others as required by the specific circumstances : Can comprehend the main ideas of textbook passages : Can accurately comprehend daily conversations, simple stories or broadcasts, and write down the main points in simple words and sentences.

8 Principles The curriculum should be fun, authentic and related to students ’ real life (Topics and Forms: Appendix 2) Basic communicative skills (Communicative Functions: Appendix 3) Components: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structures (Appendix 5) Teaching methods: contextualized learning environment Multiple assessments

9 How much do you know about ….? 1. Why did the CG need a little tweaking? 2. Why were the Interpretations added? 3. * means …. ? 4. The Communicative Approach 5. Multiple Assessment 6. Sight words 7. Words for production and words for recognition

10 Modified Indicators

11 The ABCD Method 1. Audience- Who? Who are your learners 2. Behavior- What? What do you expect them to be able to do? This should be an overt, observable behavior. 3. Condition- How? Under what circumstances or context will the learning occur? 4. Degree- How much? How much will be accomplished, how well will the behavior need to be performed? ( instructionallearning-objectives-presentation)

12 Typical Problems Encountered When Writing Objectives Too vast/complex No behavior to evaluate Only topics are listed Vague Assignment Outcomes ( objectives)

13 Search Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need on/5locate/adviceengine.html Noodle Quest Ask Wikipedia

14 Search Twurdy Search Plato Learning SweetSearch Delicious IDEA iSeek

15 Matching up online resources with the ISC 1. 國民教育社群網 : 能力指標與教學資源對應表 GID=SIG 教育部數位教學資源入口網 3. 台中市「能力指標轉化教學」活動設計得獎作品 tuan-guo-zhong-ying-yu-ling-yu/home/100shang-jin-xiu-yan- xi/100xia/neng-li-zhi-biao-zhuan-hua-jiao-xue-de-jiang-zuo- pin 4. Richard’s Delicious.com page

16 Let ’ s not forget …. Our goal is to have a need-driven technology project. That is, you want the need to drive the solution or technology that you choose to use, and not the other way around. You really don't what the solution or the tool to be imposed upon the class simply because it is new, exciting or available. There should be a clear reason to use the technology you choose for your project. Robert Elliott

17 Learning English from Youtube

18 Learning English from Youtube

19 Learning English from Youtube

20 English Village and its implication on teaching Categories: Happy English Village Mobile English Village I-Shou International School

21 English Village and its implication on teaching Features: Task-based Simulation rooms Real-life English Basic communication skills Games and activities Cultural awareness- local and international Cultural awareness-

22 English Village and its implication on teaching Applications in the Classroom: Classroom English Give more real-life supplements Create a need to speak Set up situations to practice grammar Show and tell Devise our own teaching materials

23 Devising your own teaching materials Signs Key pals Discussion Questions Midterm1, Midterm2 Midterm1Midterm2 The Lost World

24 RT in the Classroom Why: It promotes fluency. It helps readers to read aloud with expression. It helps build reading confidence.

25 RT in the Classroom How: Choose a story that can be divided into parts (such as characters) Assign reading parts to each child. Ask students to read their scripts orally for practice. Have students read assigned parts to the audience.

26 RT in the Classroom Suggestions: Use easier scripts with fewer words for younger or struggling readers. Write the script (or the student's part of the script) with print that is easy to read i.e. larger or in preferred font. Give the student their part in advance. Encourage them to practice at home with their parents.

27 RT in the Classroom Have students read parts together. Allow advanced students to write parts of the script. When assigning roles, be sensitive to students' individual needs. Assign roles accordingly; provide extra, individual practice if needed.

28 RT in the Classroom Demo:

29 Let ’ s think about it …. 劍橋大學 ESOL 考試院今天公布台灣學子英語表現趨勢報告,台灣排名雖 變化不大,但英語表現卻隨年齡增加而減弱,小學生成績被大陸迎頭趕 上,國高中學生表現則輸南韓一截。 王舒葳指出,台灣仍處於考試領導教學的教學模式,小朋友初學英文時 的聽說表現都較佳,但隨著課業壓力與紙筆測驗增加,學生多在死背 「讀寫」,「聽說」的進 步卻很牛步。相對於南韓中學生的聽說讀寫四 大能力較平均,台灣中學生因口說能力差,平均成績排名略遜南韓。對 於近年大考中心也辦高中英聽,王舒葳表示: 「樂觀其成!」她指出, 亞洲過去英語教育重視「讀寫」勝於「聽說」,才導致學生英文應用不 夠靈活。 王舒葳表示,台灣的「機械式教學」,無法結合日常生活應用,導致學 生隨著年紀增長,與其他國家的落差逐漸顯現,調整英語教學方式刻不 容緩。 中時電子報 – 2012 年 3 月 5 日 %E4%B8%AD%E5%AD%B8%E8%BC%B8%E5%8D%97%E9%9F% html

30 What went wrong? English instruction focuses too much on the memorization of vocabulary and grammar. English is treated as a subject to test into a better school. There is no need to speak English. Class grouping is of a huge size and mixed abilities.

31 Assessment for Learning Assessments help teachers evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and the progress being made by the students. It ’ s for authentic language use beyond the classroom. Meaningful assessment connects instruction and assessment.

32 Classroom Based Assessment Collection Interpretation Action

33 The problem is …. “ All too often, classroom tests are given, the results reported to students, and instruction remains unchanged …” Always the same, occasional, isolated, lonely, forgotten and random (Assessment symposium, Dr Stephen Bax)

34 Can paper-pencil tests do these things? Real language use for actual purposes Learners demonstrate skills learned Learners take responsibility Learners ’ motivation may increase Opportunity to display progress

35 Multiple Assessment Assessing for communication ( Types of Assessment ( Alternative Assessment ( Portfolios Performance assessment

36 Multiple Assessment Learning journals Peer Feedback Conferencing Picture Story Show and Tell

37 Thank you for your kind attention. Please send your feedback to: Also, please constantly visit: