Verification: Quality Assurance in Assessment Verification is the main quality assurance process associated with assessment systems and practice - whether competence- based or otherwise Quality Assurance is a vital part of any credible qualification system. It must ensure that everyone involved in the assessment of candidates is assessing correctly, working to agreed procedures and to an agreed standard of performance
Verification: The Range of Roles & their Relationships External Verifier Internal Verifier Coordinator Internal Verifiers (programme level) Assessors Awarding Body Centre Workplace
Internal Verifier (IV): The key Role in Quality Assurance The internal verifier(IV) is the key person(s) for ensuring quality of assessment practices at the institutional level (Centre) The IV conducts internal quality assurance of the assessment process by: 1.Carrying out and evaluating internal assessment and quality assurance systems 2.Supporting assessors 3.Monitoring the quality of assessors’ performance 4.Meeting external quality assurance requirements
Carrying out and evaluating internal assessment and quality assurance systems This will involve: Comparing own institution requirements with those of the external awarding body Identifying the outcomes needed by the agreed standards and their consequences for internal auditing Auditing existing administrative and recording arrangements - modify/ change if necessary - to meet external audit requirements Carrying out assessment standardization arrangements (e.g., sampling strategy) Ensuring a procedure for complaints and appeals is in place (note: consider this in local context) Identifying problems, developing improvement plans
Sampling strategy This will vary from institution, according to needs (e.g., size, programmes offered, resources, etc) but it must be agreed with the External Verifier. The following need to be taken into account: Size of sample to ensure reliability Assessment methods used by the centre (e.g., to ensure good principles of assessment are practice, etc) Assessors – number, experience, workload, location Candidate cohorts (e.g., full-time/part-time, different employees, etc) The programmes offered – particularly if new/revised All units must be included, but there may be a greater focus on any problem unit(s)
Standardizing assessment decisions It is essential to ensure, as far as is possible, that: Assessors consistently make valid decisions Assessors make the same decision on the same evidence base All candidates are assessed fairly This involves: conducting moderation activities (e.g., a number of assessors judging the same candidate’s evidence and comparing their perceptions and decisions)
Supporting assessors This will involve: Ensuring assessors have appropriate technical and vocational experience Ensuring that assessors are competent to assess Identifying the developmental needs of assessors and facilitating any necessary training Monitoring progress and development of assessors
Monitor the quality of assessors’ performance This will involve: Ensuring that assessors are preparing and planning assessment effectively and efficiently (e.g., understand the standards and applying principles of good assessment, etc) Observing and questioning individual assessors to ensure good practice and consistency over time Checking records of the assessment process (from assessment planning to summative decisions) Giving assessors accurate and helpful feedback
Meet external quality assurance requirements This will involve: Identifying how internal assessment will be checked externally and ensuring these requirements can be met Planning, collecting and analyzing information on internal assessment decisions (note: this involves the secure keeping of all records relating to the assessment of candidates) Maintaining contact and meeting with the external verifier(s) Providing feedback on the outcomes of meetings with the external verifier to centre assessors Acting on the feedback given by external verifiers
Checklist of the range of information needed for purposes of External Verification It is the Internal Verifiers responsibility to have the following information quickly accessible: Number of registered candidates per qualification level Assessor details (e.g., CV’s, Assessor qualifications, development plans) Candidate progress reviews and achievements Assessment records and plans Candidate support resources available (e.g., guide for candidate assessment) Assessments sites used – where the assessments are carried out Internal verification sampling strategy Internal Verifier records, including feedback to Assessors and feedback from Candidates Record of claims for certification Candidate assessment evidence (e.g., portfolios)