30 October 2013 Dr Mafu S Rakometsi Chief Executive Officer Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training Role of Umalusi in the Higher Education and Training Sector 30 October 2013 Dr Mafu S Rakometsi Chief Executive Officer
About the name Umalusi The name is derived from the Nguni “uMalusi” meaning “shepherd” or “herder”, or, in the African context, “guardian of the family assets” Umalusi is to take care of some of the nation’s most valued possessions – general and further education and training
Role of Umalusi Umalusi is the Quality Council for general and further education and training Umalusi is responsible for the GFETQSF The Council ensures that the providers of education and training have the capacity to deliver and assess qualifications and learning programmes on the GFETQSF and are doing so to expected standards of quality Umalusi certificates these qualifications
Establishment of Umalusi Established through the promulgation of the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001 (GENFETQA Act) (Act number 58 of 2001, as amended 2008) Two predecessors, namely the Joint Matriculation Board - JMB (1918) and the South African Certification Council - SAFCERT (1986) Umalusi started work in 2002 having taken over from SAFCERT
Establishment of Umalusi Umalusi was established as a band education and training quality assurance body under the GENFETQA Act in 2001 (NQF levels 1-4): Quality Assuring exit point assessments for qualifications in schools (National Senior Certificate), FET Colleges (N3, NCV) and for Adult (GETC) Accrediting Independent schools, private FET Colleges and Adult Learning Centres as well as private assessment bodies
Statutory Mandate of Umalusi - 2001 Monitor and report on norms and standards of curriculum and assessments Provide for the quality assurance of assessment Issue certificates at exit points Institutional accreditation Provide for the development of a national framework for quality assurance of GFET Repeal the SAFCERT Act
Umalusi Amended Mandate - 2009 Standard Setting and Quality Assurance In 2007 the review of the Implementation of the NQF was completed and in 2008 the GENFETQA Act was amended creating Umalusi as one of three Quality Councils with extended mandates, the other two being Council on Higher Education and the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations Informed by Section 28 of the NQF Act and the amended GENFETQA Act of 2008; and GENFETQA Act no 58 of 2001 amended 2008 Responsible for the development and management of the sub-framework for GFET and the related quality assurance processes: QA of qualifications and curriculum QA of assessment QA of provision (public and private; education & training and assessment)
Standard Setting and Quality Assurance Traditionally and presently Umalusi quality assures the qualifications in schools (SC and NSC); in colleges (N3; NSC vocational, NCV); in adult learning centres (GETC for adults) – the GFETQSF (gazetted ) includes these qualifications and some new proposals. Research i.r.o the GFETQSF Make recommendations /advise the Minister regarding the GFETQSF
Approach to Standard Setting Standards are set in a variety of ways and located in a number of places; namely: - In the design of the qualification e.g. the pass requirements; - In the supporting curriculum e.g. depth and breadth of the content and the cognitive demand;
Approach to Standard Setting - In the assessment e.g. the model (centralised) and cognitive demand and spread of questions - In the enactment of the curriculum i.e. teaching practices, the manner in which curriculum is delivered - In short: the intended curriculum, the enacted curriculum and the assessed curriculum - Standards and QA informed by Research
Umalusi’s Reporting Lines After the 2009 elections the DoE was split into: DBE and DHET Presidential Proclamation on reporting lines: All QCs report to the Ministry of Higher Education and Training on the NQF. Umalusi reports to the DBE on the Strategic Plan, Budget, Annual Report etc. – whilst the QCTO, CHE and SAQA report on these to the DHET
Umalusi’s Reporting Lines cont. Umalusi services the Department of BE on the NSC. Umalusi services the Department of HET on the NCV, NATED and GETC.
Broad Challenges Operational Different understandings/interpretations of Umalusi’s role i.r.o NQF implementation Reporting on Umalusi Mandate regarding DHET – accountable to Portfolio Committee on HET Funding
Broad Challenges Sector Specific (Green Paper and White Paper) Post School Education (FET + AET) NEET Group Positioning of Colleges and Adult Learning Centres
Organisational Structure 15 Members 3 CEOs: SAQA and 2 QCs Umalusi Council Chair: Prof Sizwe Mabizela Chief Executive Officer Dr Mafu Rakometsi Chief Financial Officer Mr Jeremy Thomas Senior Manager: PR & Comm Mr Lucky Ditaunyane QCC Ms Liz Burroughs Chief Operating Officer Ms Eugenie Rabe QAA Mr Vijayen Naidoo SIR Mr Emmanuel Sibanda E&A Mr Chaile Makaleng Manager: Finance & SCM Mr Thinus Wessels Manager: IT Systems Mr Gerhard Booyse Manager: IT Infrastructure Mr Gerrit Jansen v Vuuren Manager: HRM&D Ms Marie Botha
Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification (QCC) Unit The QCC Unit is concerned with “the development of a sub-framework of qualifications for GFET” and certification of such qualifications Quality assuring qualifications and curriculum Certification of learner achievements Verifying the authenticity of qualifications
Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification Unit Currently Umalusi certifies the following qualifications: The National Senior Certificate (NSC) The Senior Certificate (SC) phasing out 2014 The National Certificate Vocational (NCV) National Technical Certificate N3 General Education and Training Certificate for adults
Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification Unit Umalusi has also proposed the following new qualifications namely: NASCA – an alternative NSC for adults Approved by Council Approved by Minister of HET and gazetted Structure of qualification now being contested NIC – National Independent Certificate (also for adults)- intention submitted to Minister HE – awaiting approval GETCA- General Education and Training for Adults approved by Council ECE – Elementary Certificate of Education
Challenges Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification Different interpretations of who is responsible for Qualifications – process for registration of Qualifications Different interpretations of who is responsible for Curriculum Development and funding thereof DHET Resulting Systems SITA issues – inability to deliver (Service level agreement is between the DHET and SITA) Payment for Certification Location / review of NATED N1-N3 Review of the NC(V) Implementation of the NC(V)
Quality Assurance of Assessment Unit The main function of this Unit is to make sure that assessment leading to the award of certificates in schools, adult education centres and further education and training colleges is of the required standard. This is in order to ensure that the certificates issued by Umalusi are credible. This is achieved through: moderation of question papers, moderation of internal assessment, monitoring examinations, moderation of marking and standardisation of results.
Challenges Quality Assurance of Assessment Sample of Question Papers moderated Budgetary constraints Lack of expertise /capacity (Umalusi and DHET) Transitional arrangements- Role of PDE’s in administering/monitoring examinations. Marking Model – Decentralised marking for NCV level 2 and 3; NATED N1-N2 DHET IT systems for resulting and certification Question Paper Leakages
Evaluation and Accreditation Unit The Evaluation and Accreditation Unit accredits and monitors private providers of education and training to offer qualifications certified by Umalusi. These are independent schools, private further education and training colleges and private adult education and training providers . It also accredits private assessment bodies and monitors the quality of assessment offered by the private assessment system (Independent Examinations Board (IEB) and others). Currently no independent assessment body for VET
Challenges Evaluation and Accreditation Accreditation of FET Colleges by Umalusi and Registration by DHET Capacity of Private FET Colleges (Physical and Human Resources) Public Colleges – Quality of Management and Quality of Teaching No DHET registration process for AET centres PALC’s – Quality of Management and Quality of Teaching
Statistical Information and Research (SIR) Unit Conducts and commissions research projects to enhance our systems and processes of quality assurance, and to inform our strategic direction. Umalusi has established a Research Forum, consisting of a selection of leading educational researchers in South Africa, who provide guidance in terms of: (1) conceptualising the research agenda, (2) strengthening the research function, (3) assisting with the design of research projects and (4) evaluating the outcomes of research conducted. The SIR Unit also organises seminars, conferences and public events to enhance public debate on key educational matters as well as to share our research findings in important areas and to contribute to a growing understanding in South Africa of the complexities of quality in education.
Corporate Services Unit The Corporate Services Unit ensures the effective, efficient and cost-effective utilization of all organisational resources. It is responsible for central support to the organisation, giving priority to: financial management, through the establishment of a credible accounting system which is monitored by the Audit and Risk Committee of Council as well as regular reporting to the Executive Committee (EXCO) and the Council.
Corporate Services Unit The finance function also includes the management of assets and facility management. Human resource management and development placing more and more emphasis on human resource training and development. Information technology, which ensures the latest technological infrastructure and systems to support the work of the organisation and the Management Information System.
Corporate Services Unit Overall support to strategic and organisational matters through ensuring the establishment of systems and processes that are continuously improved.
Challenges Corporate Services Ensuring compliance to all legislative prescripts becomes a challenge with entities i.t.o. its size and resources (However managed and in place through regular risk mitigation) Recruitment of adequately skilled staff due to natural attrition and increase in mandate (also time to fill posts)
Challenges Corporate Services Ensuring that ITC governance and systems are supporting policy mandate (i.t.o expense and individual competencies and capacity) Funding to meet Umalusi mandate is taken on progressively, whilst MTEF cycle increments are only in line with CPI (Support of PCBE is positive and supportive)
Umalusi’s website: www.umalusi.org.za Website address Thank You! Umalusi’s website: www.umalusi.org.za Email: info@umalusi.org.za