Development of the Specialised Diploma LA/LSC Conferences July 2006 QCA
Diplomas with purpose Progression, participation, achievement and meeting employer skills needs Contemporary context A balanced coherent curriculum Industry verified Mixture of general and applied, with practical opportunities Essential Learning - includes Functional Skills, Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills and the Project
Developing the Specialised Diplomas – a partnership Department for Education and Skills Skills for Business Network QCA Schools, Colleges, work-based learning providers and partnerships Awarding Bodies Learners
Roll out timetable
3 levels of specialised Diplomas Diploma volumes in glhs Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Levels Guided learning hours (glhs) Generic Principal Additional
Plan Apply Do Review/Record Plan Do Apply The model Core Additional/ Specialist Learning - Optional Units - Choice - Specialisation - Complementary Principal Learning - Sector-related - Determines Diploma title - Applied learning Generic Learning - Functional skills - Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills - Project - Experiential learning cycle
Phase 1 Diploma timeline July 2006 –Specialised Diploma content is available –content will be published on each DDP website –awarding bodies begin qualification development –links will be in place from QCA and SSDA websites –new SD publication (green book) from QCA will be issued over the summer
Links to DDP websites Construction and the built environment – Creative and media – Engineering – Health and social care – ICT –
Diploma timeline July 2006 –Qualification development starts March 2007 –Support from employers for each qualification, before accreditation by QCA March – June 2007 –Qualifications to be accredited September 2007 –Diplomas qualification materials available in schools September 2008 –First teaching
The Gateway process May 2006: Issue information to schools, colleges and other providers June 2006: LAs to collate expressions of interest, July provider self-assessment December 2006: detailed proposal by providers January – February 2007: Regional assessment panels February 2007: List published of those who will aim for September 2008 February – Autumn 2007: Partnerships supported to develop their plan Autumn 2007: Awarding Bodies approve providers or provider partnerships for September 2008 start
On-going work Working with a network of providers to deliver guidance on qualification delivery from the delivery perspective –Diploma Pathfinders –Specialist Schools –CoVES –Small and large schools –Colleges –Training providers –Other curriculum networks
Apprenticeships The Specialised Diploma and Apprenticeships remain distinct pathways The Specialised Diploma and Apprenticeships support one another and progression opportunities between the two are ensured Units designed to meet both frameworks The Apprenticeship as a qualification – models under development
11-19 Reform Programme A wider programme of reform –Key Stage 3 Review –Changes to the Post-14 Curriculum –Changes to Post-14 Qualifications –Introduction of Functional Skills in English, Mathematics and ICT –Introduction of a personal, learning and thinking skills framework For further information: or alternatively contact the Reform Programme Office at 11-
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