October ISIS – Cluster Moderation Assessment and moderation in CfE is a process, not an event! Aims of the morning: To further inform participants in the principles and processes of local moderation in CfE To build participants confidence in moderation for the Broad General Education in a curricular area across their cluster
Assessment and Moderation – Current Reality Across the Country Teachers are good at: articulating learning intentions devising interesting activities ongoing formative feedback Teachers are getting better at: accurately interpreting the Es and Os matching the evidence to learning purpose Teachers need to develop skills in: devising criteria for judging the extent and quality of learning
Assessment in CfE – the role of professional judgement Teachers’ professional judgement about the progress children and young people are making and the point at which they should progress from one level to another will be important features of learning and teaching approaches.’ (Building the Curriculum 3: a framework for learning and teaching, 2008: p26)
Policy expectations – arriving at professional judgements ‘Teachers and other practitioners should work with colleagues to develop a shared understanding of standards and expectations through moderation activities which involve coherent planning, checking, sampling, reviewing and providing feedback for improvement.’ (BtC5: understanding, applying and sharing standards, 2010: p11)
Policy background (1) Building the Curriculum 3 Regular, planned opportunities for dialogue will be required within and across establishments to help staff share and consistently apply standards. (2008, p27)
Policy background (2) Strategic Vision Key Principles It is important to know the extent to which children and young people are achieving the relevant standards and expectations. The practices for arriving at a shared understanding of standards and expectations involve teachers: working together from the guidance provided to plan learning, teaching and assessment building on existing standards and expectations drawing on exemplification engaging with colleagues to share and confirm expectations (2009, p4)
BtC5: quality assurance and moderation ‘Moderation is the term used to describe approaches for arriving at a shared understanding of standards and expectations for the broad general education. It involves teachers, and other professionals as appropriate, working together, drawing on guidance and exemplification and building on existing standards and expectations. (BtC5 a framework for assessment: quality assurance and moderation 2010: p3)
BtC5: quality assurance and moderation Moderation involves: planning learning, teaching and assessment checking that assessment tasks and activities provide learners with fair and valid opportunities to meet the standards and expectations before assessments are used sampling evidence from learners’ work and reviewing teachers’ judgements agreeing strengths in learners’ performances and next steps in learning providing feedback on teachers’ judgements to inform improvements in practices.’
The purpose of moderation To: ensure that assessment judgments are dependable develop professional practice and confidence in making assessment judgments share standards between colleagues within and across schools and authorities
… and the rationale ‘Teachers being involved in developing their assessment approaches through participation in moderation activities is a highly effective form of professional development.’ (BtC5: a framework for assessment, 2009, p36-7)
Moderation - teachers’ roles and responsibilities Work collaboratively to develop approaches to monitoring, self-evaluation and improvement planning Engage regularly in collegiate working, locally and nationally Work with colleagues to develop a shared understanding of standards Ensure assessment always supports learning Plan, design and carry out assessment as part of learning and teaching and periodically use specific assessments Involve learners fully in assessment and develop learners’ roles in moderation activities
Moderation - SMT roles and responsibilities Provide opportunities for staff to work collaboratively in planning, learning and teaching and assessment Provide opportunities for staff to discuss, share and develop and understanding of standards and expectations through moderation Ensure that quality assurance and moderation activities are fit for purpose, proportionate, manageable and accessible Ensure an appropriate focus on coherent planning, checking, sampling, reviewing and providing feedback
Moderation Groups at CfE levels Planning for assessment and agreeing standards Moderation of selected Es and Os following the approach outlined in the guidance from the NAR – ‘The Curriculum for Excellence Guidance Notes: Using the National Assessment Resource to Support Local Moderation’ Groups should follow the guidance sections 1-5 for selecte E/s and O/s. The final agreement of significant aspects of learning for success in the E/s and O/s chosen should be recorded and will be shared. Groups should agree a facilitor to keep them to time and a scribe.
Moderation Groups at CfE levels Plenary Next Steps for cluster moderation? Evaluation – staff should complete the evaluation sheet and pass it with the group’s planning and plenary sheet to the Network Leader.