Tribal College Grant Programs Similarities… and Specialties Similarities… and Specialties
All universities engage in research and teaching The nation's more than 100 land-grant colleges and universities, have a third critical mission—extension. "Extension" means solving public needs with college or university resources through non- formal, non-credit programs. Land Grant Mission
Primarily serve Native Americans Underserved remote communities Native American students/communities celebrate their cultural and historical identity. (Culturally relevant curriculum) Higher education programs involving teaching, community outreach, and research Land Grant Mission
Equity ---In a classroom Endowment –On a campus Extension--In a community Research--A research field/a laboratory Where Our Programs “Live”
Job Training Poverty Alleviation Juvenile Recidivism Food Safety Ag marketing Elder Outreach Physical Activity Pre-School Parenting Renewable energy Horticulture Master Gardner AV Safety Worker Safety Women’s Issues Literacy Training Native Arts/Crafts Youth Rodeo Water Quality Community Gardens Environmental Economic Community
Rancher support ExtensionEquityResearch Engine Building
Equity Top Themes
Top Research Themes
Top Extension Themes
Research & Equity
Don’t research projects strongly encourage student involvement? Don’t equity projects promote experiential learning? Research and Equity
Errors in data gathering undermine my work/peer credibility ---plus I don’t need lab accidents Will the interns take this seriously? Will the interns have the math skills I need What if no one shows up? Equity-funded class: “Principals of Research” covers safety and technique required of all interns Youth Peer Panels evaluate who gets to participate. Must recruit/mentor new comers. Math requirement—Equity funds STEM recovery Equity-funded recruitment event with lab and field tour, hosted by interns Research Equity How Equity Can Help Research
Research and Extension
Applications for nutrition research are on the rise- -how do they reach communities? How do extension nutrition projects get the best information to clients... Research and Extension
A need for surveys on attitudes and practices that capture focus populations candidly and respectfully A wealth of scientific expertise and knowledge waiting to be used A community ready to share—and guide surveys so that research is relevant to them A mission to provide the community with the best science-based information available Research Extension Mutual Benefits
Equity and Extension
Have a similar grant pattern of continuations on a four-year cycle Influence stakeholders and each other in “hard to quantify” ways (It’s there, but how to put it in a database or CRIS report?) Equity and Extension
It’s NOT always about numbers Equity Goal Recruit and Retain Juvenile Recidivism Prevention Parenting Classes Suicide and drug intervention Pre-Natal Health 4-H Youth Programs Math Night for K-12 Cultural Awareness for public K- 12 Teachers Farm and Ranch Development
DifferencesDifferences How Subjects are delivered
Key Equity Delivery Methods
Key Extension Delivery Methods
Key Research Delivery Methods
Extension Specialties
Equity, Research and Extension have subject overlap Equity, Research and Extension specialize in how they address subjects They also have special projects where schools might network and collaborate Ample opportunity for program leverage SUMMARY
Verify counts—what do tribal colleges see? What do their course catalogues say? Students: What classes to they want? What future excites them about learning? What do other stakeholders value? Next Steps