Reading and Phonics Workshop Thursday 13 th October 2011
Aims of the meeting… Spellings Spellings Reading in the Foundation Stage Reading in the Foundation Stage Reading in Years 1 and 2: phonics! Reading in Years 1 and 2: phonics! Phonics Activities Phonics Activities
Spelling Test! Can you spell these words?
Spellings Knowledge of phonics is useful in spelling new words. Knowledge of phonics is useful in spelling new words. Close connection between phonics and spelling. Close connection between phonics and spelling. Key Stage 1- high frequency words and phonic spellings. Key Stage 1- high frequency words and phonic spellings. Tested in different ways… Tested in different ways…
How can I help my child? Use the look, cover, write check method. Use the look, cover, write check method. Practise words within a cloze. Practise words within a cloze. Mary saw a _____ on the roof. Practise words in a sentence. Practise words in a sentence. Mary saw a cat on the roof.
Phonics in the Foundation Stage Jolly Phonics Jolly Phonics Tricky words Tricky words Sound association Sound association Practical activities Practical activities Visual clues Visual clues
Reading in Years 1 and 2 Reading Test!!!!!
Can you read these words? crassled crassled plartions plartions Maffed Maffed ruetrope ruetrope
What does this tell us about reading? Using phonics is integral to reading. Using phonics is integral to reading. Children in Years 1 and 2 need to develop efficient word building skills e.g. Children in Years 1 and 2 need to develop efficient word building skills e.g. NOT: f-i-s-h-i-n-g BUT: f-i-sh-ing
WARNING! Though phonic strategies are very useful in reading, spelling and writing there are many words where these sounds do not apply. Sight words: words your child needs to learn by sight e.g. thewouldheshe
Searchlights Phonic (sounds and spelling) Phonic (sounds and spelling) Knowledge of context Knowledge of context Grammatical knowledge Grammatical knowledge Word recognition and graphic knowledge Word recognition and graphic knowledge
Key Stage 1 – Letters and Sounds 6 phases Range of activities – 25 minutes Revisit Teach - Demonstration – teacher models Practise- Show me – e.g. using whiteboards Apply - Get up and go - movement
Suggested daily teaching sequence Introduction( objectives & success criteria) ↓ Revisit & review ↓Teach↓Practise↓Apply↓ Assess learning against success criteria
Phase Four Consolidates knowledge of GPCs Consolidates knowledge of GPCs Introduces adjacent consonants Introduces adjacent consonants No new GPCs No new GPCs Typical duration: 4-6 weeks Typical duration: 4-6 weeks
Phase Five Introduces additional graphemes Introduces additional graphemes Introduces alternative pronunciations for reading Introduces alternative pronunciations for reading Introduces alternative graphemes for spelling Introduces alternative graphemes for spelling Developing automaticity Developing automaticity Throughout Year One Throughout Year One
Phase Six Increasing fluency and accuracy Increasing fluency and accuracy Throughout Year Two (although teaching of spelling continues well into KS2) Throughout Year Two (although teaching of spelling continues well into KS2)
So what does your child need to know? Reception: initial, medial and end sounds. Reception: initial, medial and end sounds. Onset-rime e.g. bat, cat, hat - Long vowel sounds introduced Year 1: Long vowel sounds and blends-beginning and end clusters,fr and sh, ch Year 1: Long vowel sounds and blends-beginning and end clusters,fr and sh, ch Year 2: Reinforce long vowel sounds: a e i o u as well as ar,or,er, ch, ph, wh etc. Year 2: Reinforce long vowel sounds: a e i o u as well as ar,or,er, ch, ph, wh etc. Working on spelling, including prefixes and suffixes, doubling and dropping letters etc. Working on spelling, including prefixes and suffixes, doubling and dropping letters etc. Children have high frequency words to learn in each year group. Children have high frequency words to learn in each year group.
Activities Foundation Stage: Jolly Phonics x2 Foundation Stage: Jolly Phonics x2 Key Stage 1: Letters and Sounds x2 Key Stage 1: Letters and Sounds x2 ICT: Interactive Whiteboard Activities ICT: Interactive Whiteboard Activities Please use the numbers in sequence to move to each table… Please use the numbers in sequence to move to each table…