James Bear
* Information * Assignments? * Entertainment? * Create Rapport? * More?
* Edusites/Eduweb * 75% (approx.) of ND Schools Use This * Google Sites (sites.google.com) * Or any online website creation tool * Direct File Share Access * Most Schools have this capability, most probably won’t make you aware * Social Media??? * Everything has its trade-offs… with more freedom, it requires more knowledge and probably more work… also, with putting class information online privacy suffers
* Maintained by Edutech * * * * * * * * * *
* Free… but a domain costs approximately $10.00 a year * You don’t have to worry about losing data… shows up quickly in search engines * Modifiable anywhere you have internet access * Allows you to create groups of other people that can modify it * Allows uploading of files * Gives you easy templates which allow you to have a nice website without a lot of technical skill * Limited in space. Limited as far as file types and scripts you might want to write. * Example:
* Most Schools do have a web server which would allow this… if not, any old PC could do the trick (a good piece of free web server software is apache found at * You have complete control over your content * It allows for simple backups over which you have complete control * This could be used as a supplement to the regular web server
* Options are virtually unlimited * MS Publisher or any MS Office Product * OpenOffice ( * Dreamweaver * Nvu * iweb * BluGriffon * Textpad * Wordpad * Any program which can create an html file or other web file can be used
* Nvu (probably?) * Textpad: * Microsoft Publisher: * Dreamweaver: * Microsoft Word: *
* Every JC user has a ‘w’ drive. Any file saved on the ‘w’ drive is accessible from the internet. For example, this powerpoint can be accessed here: ges.pptx ges.pptx * JC’s webserver, and most webservers, are configured so that a file named index.html or index.htm will be the default file. So, as soon as you save an html file named index into your W: drive, your webpage will be accessible.
* Sometimes, when creating web pages regardless of yourmethod, you are going to have to look at the source code. The source code is organized using tags. * A tag is a word or letters between carets. So, is a tag as is. * Most tags have a closing tag such as. The idea is that everything between the opening and closing tag is controlled by that tag.
* Edusites uses Wordpress * All of you received an invitation from me to join wordpress and an invitation to become an editor on jsbear.wordpress.com * To get there now, go to jsbear.wordpress.com
* Once at jsbear.wordpress.com, navigate to your page * At the bottom of your page, there should be an ‘edit’ link. Click it. * Now you are in edit mode.
* You can type in the edit window just like you would in any word processor. * For more features, click the button furthest to the right labeled ‘kitchen sink’. * If you hold your mouse over any of the toolbar options, the tooltip will tell you what each of them does.
* To insert pictures, videos, or sound, click the ‘add media’ button. * To add a poll, click ‘add poll’. * To add a custom form, click ‘add a custom form’
* To create a new page, click ‘add new’ on the left-hand side. * When creating that new page, pay attention to ‘page attributes’ on the right-hand side of the page.
* To create a link, highlight text and then click the ‘link’ button. * You can link either to a URL (somewhere on the web) or to a wordpress page
* Now it’s your job to make your page * Use the rubric found on ‘about these pages’ to guide you * Be creative * This powerpoint can also be found by going to the tech page on the wordpress page