DIES ASEAN- QA Training Workshop on External Quality Assurance Manila 16 th – 19 th of October 2012 Roles and Responsibilities of the Assessors (Do’s and Don'ts)
DO‘S AND DO‘NTS OF EXPERTS Contents: Code of Ethics - Principles Site Visit Chairperson Methodology of questions Following the methodology of criteria – Structure of the report – Requirements for report – Analysis of activities – Recommendations – Deadlines for report
CODE OF ETHICS Principles: Objectivity Impartiality Confidentiality Cooperation Respect for the participants of the review exercise
WHAT IS IMPORTANT DURING THE VISIT? Introduction Collect facts Write remarks Attention to all participants Stick to agenda Clear questions Aim: – Improvement of the HEI – Promotion of culture of quality
CHAIRPERSON Presents the group Presents the aims of programme evaluation/ accreditation Is responsible, that at the end of the site visit there will be results (appraisals) by the experts regarding each criterion, but not for the results (appraisals) themselves Encourages to speak Follows the agenda Shares responsibilities/questions to all of the group members Summarizes the meeting (group work) Gives an oral feedback at the end of the visit
METHODOLOGY OF QUESTIONS Qualitative questions (how, which way,...) Questions supporting given information Review and revise information given in the SAR Review strong sides and issues for improvement („There is always room for improvement...“) Start from positive side s
Address same questions to different groups – Repeat them to hear different opinions Factual information – Look for facts (Who? When? How?) Examples – (“tell us more”, “explain, please”, etc.) METHODOLOGY OF QUESTIONS
Avoid tendentious questions or suggestions („Don‘t you think that...“) Avoid giving your institution/programme as an example („We would always...“) Avoid direct contact with HEI representatives until there is no final decision by the respective body
QUESTIONS – FOLLOWING THE CRITERIA Example: Expected learning outcomes How are the programme learning outcomes and the module/unit/course learning outcomes related to each other? How are the programme learning outcomes related to employability? How is the achievement of intended course learning outcomes assessed?
QUESTIONS – FOLLOWING THE CRITERIA Example: Programme structure and content Why was this programme structure (core modules, substitute modules, special modules etc.) chosen? Are the courses clearly related? Source of evidence?
Thank you for your attention! Your suggestions, questions and comments, please! FIBAA--‐ Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation Berliner Freiheit 20–24 D--‐53111 Bonn/Germany E--‐Mail:
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