PRIDE Professionals in Doctoral Education: Supporting skills development to better contribute to a European knowledge society LLP AT-ERASMUS-EIGF „PRIDE“
A Definition: A Professional is a person belonging to a specific profession by virtue of having completed a required course of studies, training and/or practice. The main criteria for professionalism includes the expert and specialized knowledge in a field which one is practicing professionally. Also a high standard of professional ethics, behavior and work activities while carrying out one's profession, reasonable work morale and motivation, having interest and desire to do a job well, as well as holding positive attitude towards the profession are important elements in attaining a high level of professionalism LLP AT-ERASMUS-EIGF „PRIDE“
The PRIDE project brings together a consortium with the aim of collaborating together on providing tools to professionalize administrative staff in the area of doctoral education. Professionalization of administrative staff is characterized by: an increase in the formal status of administrative positions an increase in the requirements for formal qualification and training to hold specific administrative positions growth and formalisation of networks This project can help us to move forward on a European level. Together Everyone Achieves More! LLP AT-ERASMUS-EIGF „PRIDE“
Objectives Objective 1: collect and analyse needs and good practice focusing on the different roles and responsibilities of administrative staff in doctoral education as well as expectations they are confronted with Objective 2: describe in a handbook for professionalizing administrative staff the roles and responsibilities of professionals to highlight their formal status in their administrative positions and the potential benefit for institutions Objective 3: using the handbook as a tool and based on the needs and expectations analysis, to design a training course for the professionalization of administrative staff, consisting of modules for formal qualification according to specific administrative tasks and positions LLP AT-ERASMUS-EIGF „PRIDE“
4 stages of the project LLP AT-ERASMUS-EIGF „PRIDE“ Kick-off and Preparation Collection and Analysis ProductionExploitation 6 Work Packages 1.Management and Coordination 2.Collection and Analysis of Good Practices 3.Handbook and design of Training Course 4.Dissemination 5.Exploitation 6.Evaluation and Quality Assurance
Thank you for your attention! Contact: University of Vienna Name: Lucas Zinner LLP AT-ERASMUS-EIGF „PRIDE“