+ Miss Hahn’s English Webquest Conclusion Teacher’s Page Teacher’s Page IntroductionTask Process Evaluation Process 2 Process 1 Process 3
+ Introduction On this website, you are going to learn about sounds! You are going to deal with vowels A, E, I, O and U Each letter makes a different sound, sometimes more than one. Hope you enjoy the webquest and enjoy learning your sounds!
+ Task This webquest is designed to help you with your letter sounds. At the end of this activity, you should be able to: Pronounce the sounds of vowels A, E, I, O and U Learn about short vowel sounds Learn about long vowel sounds Learn the difference between the two sounds
+ Process Here is a website that you an listen to to learn the sounds of each letter in the alphabet! Sounds of Letters You can click on each letter to learn the sounds, but focus on your vowels! A, E, I, O and U
+ Process (cont.1) This website focuses on the vowel sounds This deals with short sounds Practice the sounds with the video Short Vowel Sounds This website also focuses on vowel sounds. But, these are now long vowel sounds. Practice the sounds with the video. Long Vowel Sounds Short Long
+ Process (cont.2) Now that you have had some experience, you can play this game- Short Vowel Game Make sure to write down your progress score somewhere to bring into class the next day. Here is a quiz that you can do to see if you can match vowel sounds Matching Vowel Game It helps to sound out the words as you do the activity Write down how many you got right and how man you got wrong on a piece of paper and bring to class the next day
+ Process (cont.3) After learning about the different sounds, get a piece of paper and write down whether the word has a LONG or SHORT vowel Apple Ape Eel Gate Lake Bike Elephant School Cube Igloo Fuse Tub Boat Bet Kite
+ Evaluation After you have completed the assignment on this webquest, make sure you bring that paper in the next day in class.
+ Conclusion Hopefully at the end of this, you have learned a lot about vowel sounds! Also, the difference between a short vowel sound and a long vowel sound
+ Teacher’s Page PA- Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards Key Learning Area : Language and Literacy Standard : Develop an understanding of the sounds of language (phonological awareness) Indicator : L 1.3 Progress from matching sounds and rhymes in familiar words, games, songs, finger plays,...