Read the word above. How many syllables are in this word? Where should the word be divided? Ma/jor The syllable breaks before the second consonant. Read aloud the first syllable in major /ma/ When a syllable breaks before a consonant, the syllable is usually pronounced with a long vowel sound. This is called an open syllable pattern. It is called an open syllable because your mouth is open- there is not a consonant stopping the sound.
The syllable break is after the first vowel. The first syllable is open and has a long vowel sound Noticing where a word is broken into syllables will help you read the word. If you are not sure how to pronounce a syllable, try pronouncing it with both a long and short vowel and listen for what sounds right.
Where are the syllable breaks? What are the syllable patterns?
Mo/ment The first syllable is open and has a long sound. What about the 2 nd syllable? Is it open or closed?
si/ren The first syllable is open and has a long sound. What about the 2 nd syllable? Is it open or closed?
hu/mid The first syllable is open and has a long sound. What about the 2 nd syllable? Is it open or closed?
si/lent The first syllable is open and has a long sound. What about the 2 nd syllable? Is it open or closed?
Mi/graine The first syllable is open and has a long sound. What about the 2 nd syllable? Is it open or closed? If the 2 nd syllable is closed, why does it still have a long sound?