Developing ITT across the Middlesex partnership, and working together on improvement planning 26 th June 2015
9.00 Arrival & refreshments Welcome -What is the current position for ? -How did trainees do in ? Initiatives to develop the partnership: -Introducing the Quality Assurance document -The Alliance Partnership Agreement Break Improving the processes and procedures for recruitment and selection Updates and key plans for Induction and pre-course planning arrangements -Pre & post phase experience -SE2 changes -The PG Cert and MA Education Lunch Mentor Development & Support School Direct Development Day
Aim: Developing ITT across the Middlesex partnership, and working together on improvement planning Slide 3 Trainee School University
What is the picture for ? Slide 4 Secondary School Direct, recruitment: SubjectTrainees RE 1 English 2 Science 1 Drama 1 History 1 MFL 1 D&T (incl. Food) 1 Mathematics 3 Social Science 1 PE 3 Citizenship 2 Business Studies 1
What is the picture for ? Slide 5 Primary School Direct, recruitment: Trainees Bowes Primary & Nursery School 16 Broadfields Primary School 4 Coldfall Primary & Nursery School 15 Durants School 2 Grimsdyke School 7 Lordship Lane Primary School 1 Total 45
How did trainees do in ? Slide 6 Secondary School Direct, overall SEG AverageGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3 SEG %33%0% SD %28%0% SD %27%0%
How did trainees do in ? Slide 7 Secondary School Direct TS1TS2TS3TS4TS5TS6TS7TS Areas for development: - TS5: Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils - - TS6: Make accurate and productive use of assessment TS2: Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils (Particular OFSTED focus)
How did trainees do in ? Slide 8 Primary School Direct TS1TS2TS3TS4TS5TS6TS7TS Areas for development: TS5: Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils TS6: Make accurate and productive use of assessment TS2: Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils (Particular OFSTED focus)
How can we develop our trainees in the areas they are weakest in? Slide 9 In groups review the grading profiles (TS2, TS5 & TS6 focus), and share ideas about school based training: -How are we addressing the issues/ areas for development? -What good practice is taking place to support trainees in developing these aspects of the TSs?
How can we develop our trainees in the areas they are weakest in? Slide 10 In groups review the grading profiles (TS2, TS5 & TS6 focus), and share ideas about school based training: -How are we addressing the issues/ areas for development? -What good practice is taking place to support trainees in developing these aspects of the TSs? What about: Using mentor weekly meetings; Work samples-evaluations & self- evaluation; Mentors as coaches Moderation, M&A reviews etc. SEN-pupil shadowing, review meetings etc.
Quality Assurance within the alliance Slide 11 All accredited ITT providers must ensure all of the following: C3.1 That their management structure The provider must ensure 3.1 That their management structure ensures the effective operation of the training programme. 3.2 That partners establish a partnership agreement setting out the roles and responsibilities of each partner. 3.3 That they comply with all current legislation relevant to ITT 3.4 That they monitor, evaluate and moderate all aspects of provision rigorously and demonstrate how these contribute to securing improvements in the quality of training and the assessment of trainees. 08/ITT_criteria.pdf
Partnership Agreements Slide 12 All accredited ITT providers must ensure all of the following: C3.1 That their management structure Some additions for 2015/16: To ‘Scope of the agreement’ This agreement is with the lead school and based on the understanding that the lead school will have in place agreements with partnering schools within the alliance which enable the lead school to comply with the scope of this agreement. To Role of the lead school: Quality assuring the school-led provision across the alliance jointly with Middlesex University Partnership agreements with all partner schools within the alliance which set out an appropriate protocol for working within the alliance.
Quality Assurance: Assessment and Monitoring Process Slide 13 All accredited ITT providers must ensure all of the following: C3.1 That their management structure Framework for Roles and Responsibilities