LAO PDR-Thailand Science Technology and Innovation Cooperation Workshop held at Don Chanh Palace Hotel, Lao PDR 1-2 March 2012 Strategy of Higher Education From Present to 2020 By Assoc. Prof. Bounthene PHASIBORIBOUN Deputy Director General Department of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Sports
Outlines of Presentation I.Outcomes of Higher Education (HE) and Challenges II. Vision and Mission of HE III. Strategies-Master Plan of HE from Present to 2020
I. Outcomes of HE and Challenges 1.1 Outcomes of HE 1996: Harmonized all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and established NUOL 2002: Started T&L at CU 2003: Started T&L at SU 2009: Started T&L at SKU Public & Private(P&P)HEIs have developed in parallel Most of Ministries have established HEIs for their own sector Both P&P HEIs have promoted infrastructures, internal & ext. acad. Cooperation, research, etc.
1.2 Challenges of HE Build qualified staffs for supporting socio-economic development in parallel with poverty reduction and graduating from the least developed country status by Currently HE of Lao PDR are lack of clear vision & appropriate policies, strategies & plan for development of the sector
1.2 Challenges of HE (Cont’e) HE is the key to economic dev. As it play a significant role in industrializing &modernizing the country. As such, the HE system needs to be strengthened in: (1) provision of fair equitable access to higher education, (2) relevance, quality and efficiency, (3) governance, financing and management
II. Vision&Missions in HE 2.1 Vision in HE Develop qualified HE to meet the human resources need of society to contribute the potential of national indigenous knowledge toward industrializing and modernizing.
2.2 Missions of HE 1.Educational, training and research 2. Roles in ethics, ownership, responsibility, transparency and aspirations 3. Equitable access to HE 4. Promoting women’s roles and participation 5. Long-term relevance 6. Industry and manufacturing partnership 7. HE Innovations
III. Strategy of HE from present to 2020 Strategic options of HE: 1.Building, improving and expanding higher education; 2.HE reforms; 3. Development of teachers and administrators in HE; 4. Quality assurance dev. in HE; 5. Promotion and development of research; 6. Improving management information systems (MIS); 7. Improving Governance and management in HE. (incl. 3 programmes for implementation)
I. Increasing access to HE Project 1: Increasing access to HE in an equitable manner in terms of gender, ethnicity and social status Project 2: Improvement of existing HEIs Project 3: Expanding & establishing new HEIs
II. Improvement quality and relevance Project 4: HE reform Project 5: Develop T&L media Project 6: Built model HEIs in difference areas Project 7: Built quality assurance mechanisms Project 8: Improve &Establish T&L System by using ICT Project 9: Develop teaching and administration staffs in HEIs Project 10: Promote scientific research & development
III. Improve governance & management Project 11: Develop regulatory frameworks for HE Project 12: Develop financial frameworks for HE Project 13: Strengthen governance and management in HE Project 14: Improve and establish HEMIS Project 15: Monitoring & assessment of HE Project 16: Improve & establish network for inter. cooperation
Thank you For your attention