OUTLINE Problem statement National Development Plan The use of the Standard Elements of the Standard Key areas of the Standard
INTRODUCTION Effective school management is universally accepted as being the critical element in the success of a school. Lack of leadership is considered to be the main contributor to underperformance and dysfunctionality in schools. This is usually related to the capacity, competence and nature of the school management teams, particularly the principal.
PROBLEM STATEMENT Currently very little has been documented on what the country’s education system expects of those responsible for leadership and management of its schools; Both the PAM and IQMS provide limited information on the roles and responsibilities of school principals;
THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Implement an entry qualification for principals Appoint appropriately qualified and competent principals Change the appointment process to ensure that competent individuals are attracted to become school principals As in other senior management positions, candidates should undergo a competency assessment to determine their suitability and identify the areas in which they would need development and support.
SASP Noting that standard setting for principals is an international phenomenon which has been implemented successfully throughout first world countries, South African education system will benefit from developing its own standard to improve the image of principals in the country. As a result the DBE has developed the SASP to fully define the roles of school principals and key aspects of professionalism and competencies required; The SASP is not intended to be a blueprint to respond to all areas of principalship;
THE USE OF SASP The SASP will serve many purposes in the sector including: The establishment of a clear understanding of what the education system expects of those leading and managing its schools; Providing clearly defined roles of principals and the key aspects of professionalism and expertise required in such positions; Providing information to all stakeholders in education about what is expected of a principal; Serving as a template against which professional leadership and management development needs may be addressed; Informing better recruitment and selection procedures; Providing the basis for improved performance management processes applicable to principals;
THE USE OF SASP - CONTINUES Being used by principals to identify their personal professional development needs throughout their careers; Guiding those aspiring to be principals on what is expected of a school principal; and Enhancing and sustaining the image, professionalism and core competencies of school principals; 8
ELEMENTS OF THE SASP The SASP comprises four elements: a)The Core Purpose of Principalship, defining the core purpose of principalship: leadership and management practices; b)Educational And Social Values: these are the core values, both national and context specific, which underpin all that happens in a school and how the principal should react to that; c)Personal and Professional Attributes: these are the range of attributes that a principal brings to his or her role and which influence the way in which leadership and management practice is carried out; and d)Key Areas of Principalship: these are 8 interdependent areas constituting the generic role of the principal in any school context but they are focussed on the priorities of the South African schooling system.
KEY AREAS The eight key areas are: Leading teaching and learning in the school; Shaping the direction and development of the school; Managing quality and securing accountability; Developing and empowering self and others; Managing the school as an organisation; Working with and for the community; Managing human resources (staff) in the school; and Managing and advocating extra-mural activities. 10
1. LEADING TEACHING AND LEARNING The principal is responsible for promoting, managing, monitoring and evaluating the curriculum. By doing this the quality of teaching and learning will be ensured. Leadership refers to the following: Organisational leadership Executive leadership Instructional leadership Cultural leadership Strategic Leadership
2. SHAPING THE DIRECTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCHOOL The Principal works with the SGB, the SMT and parents in the school’s community to create and implement a shared vision, mission and strategic plan to inspire and motivate all who work in and with the school and to provide direction for the school’s on- going development.
3. MANAGING THE SCHOOL AS AN ORGANISATION The principal must provide for the effective organisation and management of the school and on the basis of on-going review and evaluation he or she must strive continuously for ways to develop and improve organisational structures and functions. The principal is responsible for ensuring that the school and its people, assets and all other resources are organised and managed to provide for an effective, efficient, safe and nurturing learning environment.
4. MANAGING QUALITY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING AND SECURING ACCOUNTABILITY The must establish and maintain effective quality assurance systems and procedures within the school, which ensure on-going evaluation and review of all aspects of the school’s operation and which promote collective responsibility for these.
5. MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCE The principal will need to advise and support staff regarding conditions of service in his or her school. It is the principal’s responsibility to give guidance related to labour related issues. This will also assist his or her leadership in terms of ensuring that all current legislation, departmental policies and Collective Agreements are complied with.
6. MANAGING OF EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The principal in leading and managing the school should create an environment that takes care of the needs and circumstances of its learners in the form of offering extra- mural activities.
7. DEVELOPING AND EMPOWERING SELF AND OTHERS The principal promotes the empowerment of those working in the school. By encouraging effective and relevant continuing professional development opportunities, the principal supports whole school development. Principals also need to be reflective to build personal capacity and be committed to their own continuing professional development.
8. WORKING WITH THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY AND BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS The principal working with the SMT and SGB should build collaborative relationships and partnerships within and between the internal and external school community for their mutual benefit. Schools exist within particular social and economic communities that have an influence on and may be influenced by the school. The wider community that the school serves can provide a source of support and resources for the school. The school itself can play an important role in the well- being and development of the community. School improvement and community development complement each other.
SPIN-OFFS Capacity building programmes Appraisal system Appointment measures Development of a qualification Improved monitoring and oversight role Enhanced image professionalism of principals