Unit 1 - Chapter 2: The Planting of English America 1500-1733 AP US Hamer September 9, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 - Chapter 2: The Planting of English America AP US Hamer September 9, 2011

Main Points Why were Europeans driven to settle in the Americas during the 1500’s and 1600’s? Why were the Southern Colonies settled? How did they differ socially and economically? What did the initial colonizing years for these colonies mean for America in the long run?

Reasons for European Emigration Economic Social / Cultural Religious Political Primogeniture Enclosure System Wool Depression – late 1500’s Growing Population “Golden Age of Literature ” Renaissance of Sorts Strong leader in Elizabeth ( ) Protestant Reformation MUCH LATER – Cath/Prot struggles along with economic issues drive Irish to US LATER Failure of Puritan Revolution ( ) Beating of Spanish Armada in 1588 (Philip II) est. English Naval Supremacy Spain overextended and began to lose holdings: naval supremacy, Netherlands, Caribbean Creation of economic entity of Join Stock Co. English soldiers used to controlling “Native ” population in Ireland

Virginia - Jamestown The Virginia Company founded May 24, settled Death and disorganization John Smith Starving Time of % survival rate

Virginia, Lord de La Warr, and the Indians First Anglo-Powhatan War ended with Pocahontas’ marriage to John Rolfe Peace ended in 1622 Second Anglo-Powhatan War ended in 1646 with “formal separation” By 1669 only 2000 Indians remained, 10% of those found in 1607 Chief Opechancanough - leader during the attack of 1622 and 2nd War

Virginia and Tobacco John Rolfe had perfected methods of raising and curing tobacco to eliminate bitterness by 1612 Tobacco became the cash crop of Virginia, BUT: –hurt the soil –forced a single crop system –the broad-acre system led to indentured servitude and slavery

Virginia’s Effects on America Idea of Frontiersman; Tough, “Stick it Out” mentality Smith is a hero - he made stuff happen Protestant Ethic - hard work wins Virginia is the heart of America Tradition of fighting with the Indians and separating from them Even though it was temporary, self-rule was a first taste Initial charter gave full English rights to colonists, which became the standard Large acre cash-cropping led to slavery

Maryland - Catholic Haven Founded in 1634 by Lord Baltimore Baltimore wanted heavy religious toleration, but ended up with the Act of Toleration (1649) - tolerant of all Christians Grew Tobacco

Maryland’s Effects on America America is a land of religious freedom … for Christians More cash cropping and slavery

The West Indies and Jamaica - Sugar Cane Provided a market for American growers Grew sugar and therefore rum Required HUGE acreage, which led to many slaves Led to restrictive slave codes

West Indies’ Effects on America Started the slave plantation system Established restrictive slave codes Both of these were duplicated throughout the American South

The Carolinas New and weird political system designed by John Locke Tied to the West Indies –Carolinas sent them Indian slaves and food Massacred Savannah Indians in 1710 Rice as an export crop –Brought in African slaves to raise rice Centered on Charleston

South Carolina’s Effect on America African slaves become the main plantation workers in SC and later the South because of their ability to handle the weather and the disease (malaria)

North Carolina - Misfit Middle Child Broke off from “Carolina” in 1712 Settled by poorer outcasts from VA who couldn’t compete with the tobacco barons –seen as poor, irreligious, and immoral by the aristocratic colonies to the North and South Were the final defeat for the coastal Indians

North Carolina’s Effect on America Expansion means beating up the Native Americans Colonies begin to have different personalities

Georgia - Debtor’s Colony Last of the original 13 - founded in 1733 Both a buffer colony from Spanish Florida and a debtors’ colony created by Oglethorpe Founding place of Methodism Slowest growing of the original colonies

Similarities in the Plantation Colonies Connected not by chronology, but by economics and society Exported agriculture All based on slavery (GA would be soon after founding) Large land tracts caused fewer cities Expansionary because tobacco (and later cotton) stripped the soil and farmers needed new land