New Initiatives Subcommittee TAC Report Wednesday, August 10 th, 2011
Agenda Near Term & Old Business “Software Systems” TC (SOFTC) name change (Jim Keenan) Domestic Standards (Jim Keenan) TC/PC Chair Handbook (Mark Melanson, Satish Mohleji, Bill West) TAC Newsletter (Ian Halliwell) Technology Survey & Recommendations (Tony Williams, Jim Rankin) Moderating Sessions/Session Chair Guidelines (Nancy Andersen) 2012 TAC Workshop planning/ideas (Dimitri Mavris, Mark Melanson) Program Committee Information (Tony Gross) New Business Need NIS Vice Chair Engineering Technology & Management Group name change (Abdi Khodadoust) Automation in Aerospace Engineering Professional Interest Codes AIAA Forum Proposal 2
Software Systems TC Name Change Name change of the "Software Systems" TC to the "Software" TC Overview: SOFTC is working to reinvigorate activity within the TC and believes that the name change will help with new efforts. TC Review requested with May 31 st 2011 deadline. Only one issue arose. Was this just a name change or a scope/charter change that went along with this name change. Only a name change. Per rule, if they want to adjust their charter and/or area of involvement, they must come back for more concurrence and review. Action: NIS approved motion for name change to “Software TC” and to forward to TAC. Needs TAC approval for official name change. 3
Domestic Standards Request from the Standards Executive Council via Allen Arrington. Overview: Wilson Felder of the Standards Executive Council (SEC) wants to update the list of AIAA domestic standards and has asked that we populate the “TAC Link” and “Potential TC Interest” columns (with green headers) of a provided spread sheet. The concern is that the original Committee on Standards (CoS) that developed a given standard may not be in existence. The SEC needs a point of contact (POC) when it comes time to reaffirm, modify, or pull any given standards document. The goal is to have the Deputy Directors (or TC chairs) fill in the blanks for the TCs and PCs in their groups. Status/Action Plan: sent out by Betty on July 13 th Goal to associate TC/PCs with list of standards Response to be returned to Jim Keenan by August 12 th. No feedback as of today. Directors, please contact TC Chairs with this information End Date: 8 Sep 2011 with results to SEC prior to their next meeting. 4
NIS Vice Chair Would like to welcome Abdi Khodadoust as the new Vice-Chair. 5
Backup and Original NIS slides 7
New Initiatives Subcommittee Tuesday, August 9th, 2011
Introductions Name Home Organization AIAA role What would you like to do within TAC? 9
Agenda Near Term & Old Business “Software Systems” TC (SOFTC) name change (Jim Keenan) Domestic Standards (Jim Keenan) TC/PC Chair Handbook (Mark Melanson, Satish Mohleji, Bill West) TAC Newsletter (Ian Halliwell) Technology Survey & Recommendations (Tony Williams, Jim Rankin) Moderating Sessions/Session Chair Guidelines (Nancy Andersen) 2012 TAC Workshop planning/ideas (Dimitri Mavris, Mark Melanson) Program Committee Information (Tony Gross) New Business Need NIS Vice Chair Engineering Technology & Management Group name change (Abdi Khodadoust) Automation in Aerospace Engineering Professional Interest Codes AIAA Forum Proposal 10
Software Systems TC Name Change (Jim Keenan) Name change of the "Software Systems" TC to the "Software" TC Overview: SOFTC is working to reinvigorate activity within the TC and believes that the name change will help with new efforts. TC Review requested with May 31 st 2011 deadline. Only one issue arose. The CSTC would still like to know if this was just a name change, or if there was any scope or significant charter change that went along with this name change. The provided information was insufficient to tell. Kevin Carbajal Chair, AIAA CSTC Only a name change thus far. They are working at reinvigoration of their TC and this is the starting point. Per rule, if they want to adjust their charter and/or area of involvement, they must come back for more concurrence and No other feedback. Action: Move to vote on name change and forward results to TAC 11
Domestic Standards (Jim Keenan) Request from the Standards Executive Council via Allen Arrington. Overview: Wilson Felder of the Standards Executive Council (SEC) wants to update the list of AIAA domestic standards and has asked that we populate the “TAC Link” and “Potential TC Interest” columns (with green headers) of a provided spread sheet. The concern is that the original Committee on Standards (CoS) that developed a given standard may not be in existence. The SEC needs a point of contact (POC) when it comes time to reaffirm, modify, or pull any given standards document. The goal is to have the Deputy Directors (or TC chairs) fill in the blanks for the TCs and PCs in their groups. 12
Domestic Standards Status/Action Plan: sent out by Betty on July 13 th Goal to associate TC/PCs with list of standards Response to be returned to Jim Keenan by August 12 th No feedback as of today. End Date: 8 Sep 2011 with results to SEC. 13
TC/PC Chair Handbook (Melanson, Bill West, Satish Mohleji) Overview: Update the current TC/PC Chair Handbook and store on the TAC/NIS documentation Share Point site. Status/Action Plan Laura provided outline and has completed a round of edits Restructured to match training Improved consistency Will provide to NIS for follow up and additional edits Target is to have it cleaned up for January training 14
TAC Newsletter status Need further ideas for articles and volunteers to write them TAC funds – what they are and how to use them (written and available now) Update your data! ( , interest codes) What drives conference reg fees Membership upgrades Session Chairing guidelings ScholarOne Evolution (KC) Need another volunteer to help Ian 15
Overview: Examination of other technology tools for use by TC/PCs Possible tools suggested: WebEx, free telecon services, TC Facebook pages. Status/Action Plan: Put Tony Williams and Jim Rankin in contact with one another Reduce scope and focus on one or two technologies with a timeline to implement. Deferred – No significant activity. Technology Survey and Recommendations (Williams) 16
Moderating Sessions (Nancy Andersen) Overview: Briefing to aid session chairs on roles and responsibilities Status/Action Plan: Nancy Andersen will work it to completion and submittal to NIS/TAC for approval May provide training session at ASM if needed/desired OR include in the TC/PC Chair Training. This will allow the TC chairs to pass the information forward May also place on AIAA web site and/or TAC Share Point to disseminate information. 17
2012 TAC Workshop (Dimitri,Mark) Overview: Focus on development of roadmap for conferences of the future and what we need to change to meet the needs of the aerospace community. This workshop will be integrated into the results of the tiger team on the major conference re-planning initiative discussed at TAC and will be an opportunity to begin rolling out future plans and discussing issues with a wide range of constituents. Need to coordinate with Peter Montgomery, Tom Duerr, Megan Scheidt, Craig Day who are leading the new Conference Planning Model. Please attend follow-on meeting at 11:30 in this room for “TAC Conference Strategic Planning Initiative” 18
2012 TAC Workshop (Dimitri,Mark) Status/Action Plan: –Nominally structured around previous workshops –Upfront briefing/challenges – develop call to action –Review current thoughts and efforts to reinvigorate conferences –Solicit brainstorming ideas ahead of time? –Work a few ideas down to action plans and volunteers 19
2012 Workshop – Conference Strategies Revitalizing conferences – ideas, brainstorming, procedures and norms Adding value Drawing more participants Alternate delivery methods and models Linked to membership growth… Funding conferences Exhibits Developing and institutionalizing change – how do you change and institutionalize the new ideas. Return to Agenda 20
2012 Workshop – Conference Strategies Concept is working inside TAC along with publications, exhibits and staff to hold a strategy session to begin longer range view of where conferences need to be in years and a roadmap of how to get there Dimitri identified nearer term new conferences that should be areas to develop content/approaches Areas like sponsorship, joint meetings, globalization should be considered in planning Forum Concept Return to Agenda 21
2012 Workshop – Conference Strategies Action Plan: Volunteers: Return to Agenda 22
Coordinator Briefing to NIS Anthony R. Gross Strategic Technologies Coordinator Mark Melanson Program Committee Coordinator August 9, 2011
24 Background The Institute needs to broaden into new and emerging areas for future growth and success. Current Technical Committees are covering traditional areas, mostly single discipline. Program Committees address current or potential future National programs with a multidisciplinary and systems-level approach, thus complementing the approach of the Technical Committees. Many areas of technology that are aerospace-related are not now active within the AIAA, thus omitting many potential new members of the AIAA. Examples include manufacturing, operations, and new applications of other technologies to ‘traditional’ aerospace technologies. New technologies can be accommodated by several TAC mechanisms, including Working Groups, Technical or Program Committees, or Special Subcommittees. Thus, a new position that will focus on identifying and potentially closing these technology and program gaps.
25 Strategic Technologies Coordinator Focus on the identification of strategic technology and program gaps within TAC. A Director-level position within TAC. A member of the Institute Development Committee. An embedded member of the Emerging Technologies Committee (ETC) and a key conduit between TAC and the ETC. Chair of the Space Subcommittee of the ETC. Objective is to facilitate the creation of new components of TAC to address technology and programmatic gaps and encourage their integration into major TAC activities, e.g., conferences, CVD, policy papers, etc..
26 Next Steps – Strategic Technologies Coordinator Deputy recruited Dr. Mark S. Whorton, Engineering Manager,Teledyne Brown Engineering Assessment of current TAC technology areas Begin by assessing current AIAA conferences for technology and program topics. Meet with TC and PC Chairs for a more in-depth assessment. Identification of potential new technologies and programs: Cognitive engineering Aging electronics and avionics Micro air vehicles
27 Program Committee Coordinator A Director-level position within TAC. Assure the effective operation and integration of the PCs into TAC’s overall goals and objectives Foster and encourage stronger linkage between PCs and TCs Conferences, Public Policy, Forums, working groups…. Focus on ongoing operations of Program Committees Manage ongoing efforts of the PC’s much like the Group directors Authority to appoint Deputies as appropriate
28 Next Steps – Program Committee Coordinator Recruit Deputy (ies) Suggestions? Get to know and assess current PC’s Focus on health, interactions, and contributions –Use health assessment provide by Tony (to MRM and Basil) as starting point Use “introductions” as a time to get to know and work invigoration of higher expectations for contribution
29 Other Change Impacts – NIS and TAC PC Chairs no longer are members of TAC and NIS Treat them as we do TC Chairs and WG Group Chairs –Always welcome to attend, but non-voting members TAC charter change may be required to allow for Deputy Directors for STC and PCC Directors.
New Business 30
NIS Vice Chair (Keenan) Currently there is no Vice Chair. Would like to welcome Abdi as the new Vice-Chair. Decision has been made and you can’t back out. Approved unanimously at last night’s dinner. 31
Engineering Technology & Management Group Name change for the Engineering Technology & Management (ETM) Group (Abdollah Khodadoust) Overview: Due to the emphasis on systems in engineering, a name change may be in order to show a shift to systems. This is an exploratory discussion for the time being. Status/Action Plan: Discussion within the ETM Group will be held over the next month. A path forward will be presented at the NIS meeting in August or the issue may be tabled. 32
Automation in Aerospace Engineering (Keenan) Overview: Formation of a Working Group for Automation in Aerospace Manufacturing is being explored. Search for Neal Pfeiffer for additional information. POC: Curtis Richardson, Vicki Johnson, Jack Agee co-leads. Status/Action Plan: None of the POC co-leads are NIS members Need to follow up with Tony Gross or new PCC (aka Melanson) to see if this will turn into a PC and NIS issue 33
Professional Interest Codes (Keenan) Overview: The interest codes have not been reviewed in many years and miss many areas of the business Status/Action Plan Are they aligned with current TC/PCs? Possible work to review/reorganize/change Complications Integrated into various AIAA areas such as membership upgrades, other areas? 34
AIAA Forum Proposals (Keenan/from ASG Dir. Dave Riley) Overview: Expand how AIAA transfers information using web-based resources Status/Action Plan: New idea Need NIS lead volunteer Two phase approach –Take existing presentation and work through system (Scholar One) –Develop “dummy” presentations and work system See following charts for more detailed information. 35
AIAA Forum Proposal Concept: A drop box on the AIAA web site would be open year round for authors to submit papers. These papers would not be connected to any conference. The papers would be pulled quarterly (or tri-annually?) and adjudicated for their quality and relevance by Program Committee and Technical Committee members. Once the paper is accepted, the author is notified and has to pay a handling fee to get the paper into the AIAA system, where it would be made available for purchase online and a time would be set up for the author to give a standard ½ hour presentation with a ½ hour for Q&A. The paper and the times for the virtual presentations would be posted on the AIAA web site so potential attendees could buy and review the paper ahead of the virtual presentation. The paper presentation is done virtually with the slides being viewed with the author speaking (i.e., not a video of the author giving a presentation). This presentation would be made available on line after the presentation and a thread (using the AIAA paper number) would be set up for discussing the author’s paper in the new, “AIAA Forum”, which would have to be created. 36
AIAA Forum Proposal (cont’d) Concept (cont’d): The virtual presentation would be linked to this thread so an AIAA member or non-member could view it to boost paper sales. Individuals would be able to log into the AIAA forum and use the paper’s thread to comment on the paper and ask the author questions. AIAA members will be able to post questions or comments for free. Non-AIAA members can post for a fee, but must register and include a credit card when the register to keep the automatic posts and forum “trolls” out. Additionally, allow papers that are given at an AIAA conference to be given virtually after the conference using the same format as the virtual papers Therefore, all AIAA papers will have, at a minimum, a thread and a virtual presentation if the author chooses. This should create more interest in the papers and garner more $$ for non-member posts. Also makes the paper more of a “living item” since the paper presentation is available for viewing. (How long might the virtual presentation be available for? Perpetuity?) Viewing the paper presentation and abstract are free for members and non-members. Members and non-members must buy the virtual papers. (Conference papers stay as they are now.) 37
AIAA Forum Proposal (cont’d) Possible Benefits: Allows for quicker publishing of research results not tied to a conference planning cycle or a journal publication cycle. Serves as an incubator for new conferences, journals, and professional development offerings. Provides a member benefit that has tangible professional value. Serves as a “home” for new communities or communities within AIAA that do not currently have an outlet through a conference, journal, etc. Provides an alternative way for sharing technical information and networking not connected to a conference. Positions AIAA better for the future by offering a virtual, less costly way to present information to attending a conference. Serves segments of the AIAA membership that might not be able to travel to conferences to present (i.e., internationals, early careerists). Might provide model for virtual interactions for other AIAA programs (i.e., Professional Development, STEM K-12). 38
AIAA Forum Proposal (cont’d) Staff Recommendations: The AIAA Forum should be developed as a collaboration between the Technical Activities Committee and the Publications Committee because it has aspects of AIAA’s traditional models for conference presentation and journal publications. Cross-division staff team led by Director, Business Development should be formed to work the development and implementation of the AIAA Forum. Tasks would include but not be limited to: Conducting a survey of select group of members (i.e., TC and PC members) to see if the AIAA Forum would be of interest to them and would provide them professional value. Discussing idea with ScholarOne to see if the AIAA Forum approach can be supported by the system and to better understand associated costs. Developing a strategy for the AIAA Forum that includes marketing both participation and purchase. Determining how to create communities around the AIAA Forum. 39
General Discussion Stay tuned for “TAC Conference Strategic Planning Initiative” 40