Bayu Priyambadha, S.Kom Teknik Informatika Universitas Brawijaya
The strategic importance and project budget for your web efforts will largely determine the size and skill depth of your web site development team. The core skill sets needed in a web site development team are: Strategy and planning Project management Information architecture and user interface design Graphic design for the web Web technology Site production
Project stakeholder or sponsor Web project manager Account executive Quality assurance tester Information architect Art director Web graphic designer Interactive designer (Flash, JavaScript, Ajax) Media specialist Web technology lead Web application programmer Web page engineer (xhtml, css, JavaScript, Ajax) Ajax Database Administrator Site editor Site copywriter Content domain expert (content coordination, research)
The web project manager coordinates and communicates the day-to- day tactical implementation of the web site project, acting within the constraints of the project charters and goals, project budget, development schedule, and quality objectives laid out in the planning stages
The site information architect organizes and categorizes web site structure and content. The information architect is most active early in the design: developing content categorization schemes, consistent site terminology, content structure across the site site architecture diagrams explain the overall site planning to both the sponsor and the web team members.
The art director’s primary responsibility is overall look and feel for the web site establishing the site typography visual interface design color palette standards page layout details integrated whole the media elements of the site (graphics, photography, illustration, and audiovisual
Every significant web project poses unique challenges, but the overall process of developing a complex web site generally follows six major stages that you should think through before crafting your final project planning and proposal documents: 1. Site definition and planning4. Site construction 2. Information architecture5. Site marketing 3. Site design6. Tracking, evaluation, and maintenance
This initial stage is where you define your goals and objectives for the web site and begin to collect and analyze the information you’ll need to justify the budget and resources required. define the scope of the site content the interactive functionality technology support required the depth and breadth of information resources
Production Will your site production team be composed of in-house people, outside contractors, or a mix of the two? Who will manage the process? Who are your primary content experts? Who will be the liaison to any outside contractors? Who will function long-term as the webmaster or site editor?webmaster
Technology What operating systems and browsers should your site support? What is the network bandwidth of the average site visitor?network bandwidth Will the site have dynamic html and advanced features? How will users reach support personnel? Does the site require database support? Will the site have audiovisual content?
Web server support Disk space limitations site traffic limitations extra costs Adequate capacity to meet site traffic demands Twenty-four-hour, seven-day-a-week support and maintenance Statistics on users and site traffic Server log analysis: in-house or outsourced
Budgeting What are staffing costs? What hardware and software are needed for in- house development team members? What are staff training costs? What are the outsourcing fees?
At this stage you need to detail the content and organization of the web site. The team should inventory all existing content, describe what new content is required, and define the organizational structure of the site. what is the site for? What does the company do? Does the company have an existing logo or brand? What is your goal in developing a web site? What information do you wish to provide online? Who comprises your target audience? Do its members share any common demographics, like age, sex, or a physical location? Who are your competitors and do they have web sites?
Building websites is a lot like building a house
At this stage the project acquires its look and feel, as the page grid, page design, and overall graphic design standards are created and approved. Text, edited and proofread Graphic design specifications Finished interface graphics for page templates Header and footer graphics, logos, buttons, backgrounds Interface design and master page grid templates completed Finished html template pages Illustrations Photography
Typical products or deliverables at the end of this stage should include: Finished html for all web pages Finished navigation link structure All programming in place and linked to pages All database components in place and linked to site pages All graphic design, illustration, and photography in place Testing all components Archives of all site content components, html code, programming code, and any other site development materials
Your web site should be an integral part of all marketing campaigns and corporate communications programs, and the url for your site should appear on every piece of correspondence and marketing collateral your organization generates.
Your web server software can record an abundance of information about visitors to your site. Even the simplest site logs track how many people (unique visitors) saw your site over a given time, how many pages were requested for viewing, and many other variables.
Design your plan for your own website ! Include : Definition and planning Development schedule Technology in use Site Maps