Transferring knowledge to application by learning and applying problem-solving strategies to real world, unpredictable problems using advanced technologies. Working collaboratively as a productive team member. Researching and determining the validity and relevance. Sharing information through a variety of modes.
Facilitate, enable, and, manage student- centered learning environments. Apply standards-based criteria for student learning expectations to performance-based relevant learning opportunities. Plan collaboratively across the curriculum in order to construct student-centered learning opportunities that reflect real world integration of problem-solving and communications environments. Interact with the larger environment and culture as entrepreneur and public relations agent to facilitate accomplishing student objectives.
A principle-centered mission provides purpose and true north direction. Choices rather than circumstances control outcomes. People and organizations have the freedom to choose and are responsible for their choices. Trust empowers others. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Effective relationships require mutual benefit. Results require continual development of production capability.
All decisions should be consistent with the mission and goals, should be data based, should be anchored in sound theory and practice, and should be focused on what is best for the short and long term interests of all students.
All decisions should be made at the most appropriate level in the organization and should be as close to the point of implementation as possible.
Behavior should promote and encourage empowerment throughout the organization.
There is an obligation to establish and maintain cohesive interdependent teams that have a high commitment to the organization’s mission and goals.
Behavior should promote and encourage professional autonomy and inter-dependence for individuals throughout the organization.
There is an obligation to build in quality control and quality assurance strategies throughout the organization.
The most appropriate strategies are dependent upon the needs, experiences, skills, and commitment levels of individuals and teams. The best fit represents the most appropriate strategy between the needs of the individuals or teams and the decision- making strategy used.
Should be used with self-directed, interdependent teams. Such teams are still functioning within a hierarchical system and need to have access to information and other relevant resources in order to achieve win- win solution of the system. Because the teams within an organization may not be readily accessible to each other or even knowledgeable about their independent roles and responsibilities, there is a need for the leader to serve as an ambassador, that is as an envoy, an emissary, a representative, and as a symbol of share organizational values.
Appropriate foe interdependent individuals and teams when they have the knowledge, skills, time, and commitment to handle the problem, issue, or concern. Leaders can delegate the decision-making responsibility to them and know they will operate within established guidelines and achieve a win/win solution for the system, they will be functioning interdependently.
Used if the individuals or teams involved are not secure enough to make the decision without the involvement and support of the leader. The role of the leader is to provide encouragement and support and to assist both parties in reaching a win/win decision within the established guidelines. The encouragement plus the success in achieving a win/win solution within the team promotes and encourages independence.
Similar to the facilitation strategy. The leader is more actively involved in the deliberations. The leader is actively involved helping the two parties understand each other’s perspectives, seeking potential win/win solutions, and helping them formulate a win/win strategy. The leader is encouraging individuals and teams to accept more responsibility in resolving issues, thus helping them become more independent.
Appropriate when one or both parties are unable to reach a satisfactory compromise because one of both parties lack skills, experience, technical knowledge, or commitment. They depend on the leader to bring the two parties together and to convince one of both parties to modify their potion so that a satisfactory compromise can be achieved, although the solution may be perceived as win/lose by one or both parties.
Appropriate when one of both parties are note willing to work through the problem in a group setting or when bringing the two parties together is dysfunctional. The leader conducts a series of on-on-one meeting s until a satisfactory resolution is achieved. Not only is this strategy time-consuming for the leader, the resolution will also likely be perceived as win/lose by one or both parties.
This is the last resort. The leader tries to resolve an issue when one or both parties are both unable to resolve the issue and they are unwilling to deal with the issue in a constructive manner. Because of a lack of knowledge and experience for this particular problem, they want the problem resolved but are unable to make t meaningful contribution. The leader needs to make the decision, clarify expectations, and follow-up appropriately. One or both of the parties may regard the solution imposed to a “lose”. This can result in a lose/lose for all parties.