Team Droid Matt Grojean, Tim Munnerley, Rabeet Fatmi, Nathan Hart
Team Member Roles Matt Grojean – Project Manager, Programmer Tim Munnerley – Quality Assurance, Programmer Nathan Hart – Lead Programmer Rabeet Fatmi – Data/PHP Integration, Website Maint MemberArea of Concentration
Design Trade-Offs Food menu will have collapsible category based interface rather than sending user to new window for displaying items. - Trade off, more difficult to implement in code based on our skillset. Store locator window may be replaced with list- formatted results. If and only If Google Maps API cannot be successfully implemented to show results as dropped pins. - Trade off, less intuitive display of results.
Product Maintainability & Perfomance Our app will be very responsive throughout the entire ordering process. - Only deals with a few graphics and everything behind the scenes is mainly text based manipulation of our server files. Our app is built off Android 4.0 source code which will ensure only a few modifications will be needed for the next few years. - A small customer base may be lost due to Android 4.0 and below incompatibility.
Versatility Our app is being created in an OOP manner, thus enabling us to easily add and remove modules to adapt our app to other restaurants. Can be expanded to accommodate much more content and provide more in-depth tracking.
Security Orders don’t contain any vulnerable user data other than simple name and items ordered. - Payments are handled by a third party firm and processed off-site or in- store. If user doesn’t have backdoor certifications from restaurant VPN, then access to server is write only on most customer attributes.
Technical Limitations Programmer learning curve for GUI First full mobile application project Creating graphics for multiple phone resolutions. First instance using server oriented environment for multiple connections and users.
Sequence #1 New customer registers new login. Then edits their info.
Sequence #2 Customer creates new order Submits order Requests delivery Submits payment. Employee confirms the order Completes the order Changes status to out for delivery.
Class Diagram
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