Taking Care of Yourself Goal 1.01: Outline factors and strategies that promote personal development. Goal 1.02: Interpret roadblocks to personal development.
Health and Wellness wellness *taking responsibility for your own well-being *becoming informed about health *making decisions that will improve your quality of life
Physical Health Pay attention to any symptoms of illness. Decisions you make now could have long term effects later in your life. (no sunblock=skin cancer) You are what you eat.
1.Nutrition *Every meal is an opportunity to choose foods full of nutrients necessary for physical and mental energy. *Healthy eating can reduce the risks of weight problems, heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. *Eating healthy helps you look and feel your best.
2. Physical Activity: *The body is designed for movement and needs regular physical activity. *Physical activity helps you look and feel better, have greater strength and endurance, maintain a healthy weight, manage stress, and feel more alert. *Look for opportunities to add exercise to your life: walk instead of ride, do physical chores, do sit ups while watching t.v., exercise with friends, dance
3. Rest *lack of rest causes you to be grouchy, to have trouble concentrating *body needs adequate rest- 8 hours *during sleep your body systems repair and revitalize themselves
4. Hygiene: *basic to overall wellness *manage acne, oily skin and hair, increased perspiration *Bathe or shower regularly, clean teeth regularly, and wash hands and clean nails frequently.
5. Medical Care: See the doctor for an annual physical. Have your eyes checked every year. Visit the dentist twice a year.
Mental/Emotional Health: ability to cope with the demands of life some aspects are linked to heredity can effect physical and social health
Maximizing Your Mental/Emotional Health 1.Challenge yourself to learn new information and skills. 2.Put your talents and abilities to good use. 3.Learn from your mistakes. 4.Focus on your strengths.
6.Take responsibility for your choices and actions. 7.Be open-minded and flexible. 8.Develop positive ways to handle your emotions. 9. Ask for help. (teacher, parent, adult, counselor, etc.)
Social Health: the relationships you have with people around you ex. friends, neighbors, parents, teachers, etc.
Good social health creates: opositive, supportive relationships ogood communication skills oa better community
What change is characterized by teens wanting to spend time with friends rather then family? Physical, Moral, Social or Intellectual
What causes the physical changes in a teens body as he/she grows from adolescene to young adult? Emotions, Hormones or Attitudes
How can dad help Jim develop high self- esteem? Compare Him, Point out what he does wrong or help him choose the sport he may be most successful at
Aaron knows that his personality is influenced by his neighborhood, the school he attends and friends. He is influenced by? Peers, Morals, Environment
Nick talks to the school counselor about a situation at home this is disturbing him. He is demonstrating what quality of heath? Moral, Mental, Physical, Social
Stress is: *your body’s response when you feel overwhelmed by responsibilities
Causes of Stress: owhen pressures exceed your ability to cope with them omajor life events- death, divorce, serious illness, injury ofamily, friends, co-workers
ostress can be positive=helps focus the mind and the body to act oWhen stress accumulates it affects all aspect of your life. (loss of appetite, headache, trouble sleeping, nervous, drained, tension in relationships)
Stress Management Techniques: 1.Get moving. *Physical activity will help you unwind and refocus. 2.Make time for yourself. *write in a journal, listen to music, work on a hobby
3.Talk to someone. *Share your thoughts and feelings with someone you can trust. 4.Plan ahead. *Be prepared. When you are prepared, you are more confident.
5.Be realistic. *Don’t demand perfection. *Don’t expect the worst. 6.Learn from experience. *Do not do the same thing over and over. Decide what went wrong and try to do better next time. 7.Learn to say no. *Do not make promises you can not keep.
Stress Management: Choose a stress management technique and explain how you have used it in a situation or how you will use it in a situation. Explain the situation, the outcome, and what you learned.
Staying Safe: 1. Be aware of the risks. *Stay aware of your surroundings and possible safety concerns. 2.Be prepared. *Think about possible situations before you are faced with them. 3.Stay within your limits. *Be realistic about your abilities and firm about your values. 4.Follow the rules.
Road Safety: 1.Wear a seat belt. 2.Follow traffic laws. 3.Never drink and drive. 4.Stay focused. 5.Drive defensively.
Protecting Yourself: 1.Never give out personal information online. 2.Never agree to meet someone in person that you talked to online. 3.Avoid risky behavior. 4.Abstain from alcohol and drugs. 5.Abstain from sex.
Roadblocks to Personal Development: o Substance abuse, addiction, health issues, criminal acts, family issues, teen pregnancy, and truancy will cause a decline in physical, mental, and social health.
oThese issues cause depression and can lead to a lack of social opportunities, negative living environments, lower socioeconomic status, health problems, and it can limit your resources.
Which is a positive way to deal with stress? Act on impulse, Focus on mistakes, Hit a wall or Get exercise
A Person can improve self-esteem by Doing things they do not enjoy, Being around people who put them down or Accepting themselves as they are
Who is a peer to sixteen year old Sam? Grandmother, Teenage Friend or Dad
An important part of keeping mentally heathy is Expressing emotions in positive ways, Spending hours thinking about weaknesses or Focusing on things that have been done wrong
What explains why 15 year old Erica has the same eye and hair color as her mother? Hormones, Environment or Heredity