Bill Woolsey Senior Pastor CrossPoint Community Church
A Christian missional movement of multi-site “community church” campuses designed to connect with people who are seeking spiritual direction in Katy, metro Houston, the state of Texas, and beyond.
History Launch -14 months (Nov ’05) Decision to start another campus was made. Launch -12 months (Jan ’06) Decision announced to the congregation in worship Hired Dan Hauser (seminarian, former youth minister, vicar—to-be).
History Launch -9 months Dan visited CrossPoint to preach & share Launch -6 months Dan on-site permanently to begin heavy leader recruiting and vision casting Launch -4 months Launch team meetings begin Monthly “dry run” worship
History Launch (January ’07)) Launched CrossPoint-Seven Lakes
History Launch +6 months Went from volunteer to paid part-time C hildren’s Minister Launch +11 months Went from volunteer part-time to paid full-time Director of Worship Arts Changed preaching model
History Launch +6 months Went from volunteer to paid part-time C hildren’s Minister Launch +11 months Went from volunteer part-time to paid full-time Director of Worship Arts Changed preaching model
Attendance Trends in 07 & 08
69 giving units 94 total giving units 39 from launch team 55 new Giving Trends
13 Baptisms 48 Baptisms Baptisms in the past 12 months
Definition a multi-site is one congregation that worships in multiple locations.
1.Rules 2.Relationships 3.Resourcing 4.Preaching 5.Portable 6.PR 7.Money
Rules Nail Down the Non-Negotiables
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart Lutheran Doctrine
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart Lutheran Doctrine “CrossPoint” Same Name
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart Lutheran Doctrine “CrossPoint” Same Name Sunday Life Lesson
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart Lutheran Doctrine “CrossPoint” Same Name Sunday Life Lesson Sunday morning format
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart Lutheran Doctrine “CrossPoint” Same Name Sunday Life Lesson Sunday morning format Music
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart Lutheran Doctrine “CrossPoint” Same Name Sunday Life Lesson Sunday morning format Music Sacraments
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart Lutheran Doctrine “CrossPoint” Same Name Sunday Life Lesson Sunday morning format Music Sacraments Core Curriculums
Rules Non-Negotiables: A Missional Heart Lutheran Doctrine “CrossPoint” Same Name Sunday Life Lesson Sunday morning format Music Sacraments Core Curriculums Unified Budget
Relationships Protect the relationships and you protect the unity
Relationships Lay leaders of the campuses
Relationships Lay leaders of the campuses Department staff
Relationships Lay leaders of the campuses Department staff Centralized support
Relationships Lay leaders of the campuses Department staff Centralized support Campus Pastors
Relationships Lay leaders of the campuses Department staff Centralized support Campus Pastors Sr. Pastor and Campus Pastors
Not “Yours & Mine” but “Ours” while still being “Me” and “You.”
Resourcing Resourcing takes Resourceful People
It’s important that the older campus realize its “resourcing role”
Preaching Video is for Rock Stars
Preaching LCMS Trains Pastors to Preach
Matt Popovits preaching 3 out of 4 Sundays live at WG Dan Hauser preaching 3 out of 4 Sundays live at 7L Bill Woolsey Preaching about 1 Sunday a month at each campus
Three Pluses of “Live Preaching” 1.It allows me to spend more time system-wide, in more of an apostolic, strategic function.
Three Pluses of “Live Preaching” 1.It allows me to spend more time system-wide, in more of an apostolic, strategic function. 2.It elevates the campus pastor’s role.
Three Pluses of “Live Preaching” 1.It allows me to spend more time system-wide, in more of an apostolic, strategic function. 2.It elevates the campus pastor’s role. 3.It keeps younger families and individuals moving into the ministry since “You attract who you are.”
Portable Portable is a Pain
PR “Becoming the Buzz” Takes Time
PR New resident mailing program Sunday signs
Money Giving will LAG Growth