A journey in the life of …
These photos are taken to show a part of a person’s life. The person is not in the photos. You have to guess who they are! Look at the photos and discuss: Am I male or female? Am I older or younger than you? What am I doing? Do I need help? What sort of products, systems, environments, etc. might be useful for me?
Who am I? Talk about who you think this person is? Are they male or female? Are they older or younger than you? What are they doing? Do they need help? What clues did you find?
Meet ….. Meet Danny, he is a young child. Danny likes to go for walks with his uncle. Everything he sees makes an impression on him. Everything he sees is the way it should be as far as he is concerned. Everything he sees will influence what he does as he gets older.
Look at the photos of Danny’s journey again List the things that might be a problem for Danny and his uncle (for example, avoiding other pavement users), How could he be helped when he travels? What products, images, systems etc. could help?
Designing for road safety…. What could you design or, design and make that would make Danny’s journey better? By designing something for Danny, who else would you help?