Why PDHPE is needed in primary schools Physically increases body regulation Develops essential skills Self-confidence and self-esteem increase Learn self discipline Support other subject KLA’S Support regular, healthy education Judgement is improved Improved judgement Strengthened peer relationships
Why PDHPE is important PDHPE encourages participation and values of oneself and others Encourages life long attributes to physical activity and healthy eating throughout the child’s life Informed decisions become more informed throughout students life
PDHPE teaches students about? Growth and development-sexuality, growth and body, human identity Interpersonal relationships- communication, peers and families Personal health choices-nutrition, health matters, drug education, prevention matters and health choices Active lifestyle and physical activity Safe living-personal safety, road safety, water safety and safety at home
The 5 areas that public schools are required to teach, are very important for the development of children These skills allow children to acquire the skills needed to be successful for later in life
PDHPE allows students to learn while being active, which allows brains and bodies to warm up together A healthy mind and healthy body allows students to learn in an appropriate matter