EU and urban mobility Trieste 20 th March 2015 European Commission, DG MOVE.


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Presentation transcript:

EU and urban mobility Trieste 20 th March 2015 European Commission, DG MOVE

"Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system" COM/2011/0144 Target - 60% reduction in transport CO 2 emissions by 2050 Two specifically 'urban' goals Phase out the use of conventionally fuelled cars in cities by 2050 – half their use by 2030 Towards ´zero emissions´ city logistics in major urban centres by 2030 Sets out 40 specific EC actions for The 2011 Transport White Paper

2013 Urban Mobility "Package" Delivering on the White Paper VISION: Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility - deploy urban mobility measures in a cost-effective way - Five focus areas: Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning – you get what you plan for Urban Logistics – heavily neglected topic Urban Access Regulations – maximising urban access for all Urban Road Safety – need for extra focus Urban ITS – compatible systems Establishment of a MS Expert Group on Urban Mobility (October 2014)

Member States are invited to assess the current and future performance of urban mobility and develop an approach that ensures coordinated action at national, regional, and local level. review the tools (technical, policy-based, legal, etc.) put at the disposal of local authorities Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (I) Development of SUMP can help a city to render urban mobility more efficient and sustainable But local authorities need right conditions

The Commission Presents a concept for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans which is steeped in experiences and expertise from across the EU – to be adapted to specific circumstances in MS – ANNEX to the Communication Is setting up an Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to coordinate EU cooperation on developing concept and tools further; provide a one-stop-shop Supports the development and implementation of SUMPs, including through its financial instruments. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (II)

Alternative fuels for transport (Directive 2014/94 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure) Clean Power for Transport – a strategy for the long term substitution of oil in all transport modes  a coherent policy framework that guides investments, sustainability and competitiveness « MS should cooperate with other neighbouring MS at regional or macroregional level by means of consultation or joint policy frameworks, in particular where continuity of alternative fuels infrastructure coverage across national borders or the construction of new infrastructure in the proximity of national borders is required, including different non-discriminatory access options for recharging and refuelling points »

For more information: EUROPA portal: Civitas: Urban Mobility Portal: European Mobility Week: Smart Cities and Communities: Horizon 2020:

2.2.6 Funding for implementation - More information: ESI Funds: CEF funds for TEN-T projects: rt_call_for_proposals_2014.htm EIB: policy.htm INTERREG: URBACT III: LIFE:

2.3.6 Funding for research and innovation – For more information: Horizon 2020 programme: Call 5.4: /topics/2702-mg html /topics/2702-mg html Call 5.5a: /topics/2703-mg-5.5a-2015.html#tab /topics/2703-mg-5.5a-2015.html#tab1 Call 5.5b: /topics/2649-mg-5.5b-2015.html /topics/2649-mg-5.5b-2015.html Submitting a question about a call: Horizon 2020 participant portal:  View the rules for participation  find potential partners CIVITAS website: Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking:

Thank you for your attention! Contact: Måns Lindberg European Commission - DG MOVE.C.1