Safety Vision › Think Safety ● Act Safely Safety Mission › Create a physically and psychologically safe and secure learning environment for staff to work & students to learn. 2
Safety is everyone’s business Safety is an acquired culture Safety is a concern now & in the future 3
Respect › Respect potential hazards by managing and dealing with risks seriously. Responsibility › Be responsible for the safety of self and others. Resilience › Always be mindful of and follow safety rules and regulations 4
Compassion › Act safely to show care and concern for self and others. Integrity › Be honest about being safe for self and others. Passion for Learning › Always find out about potential hazards you will face and learn to deal with them effectively. 5
T hink of safety first for self and others. C omply with all safety rules and adhere to safety instructions. A ct in a safely manner always for self and others. 6
Am I well/fit for the intended activity? Will this activity be safe for me and others? Can I refine my intended activity so that it is safe for me and others? (If not, do not do it!) 7
Accidents, and particularly street and highway accidents, do not happen – they are caused. ~Ernest Greenwood 8
1.1Observe all road safety rules. 1.2Use pedestrian/traffic-light crossings. Continue to practice the basis rules : a) Stop b) Look Right c) Look Left d) Then Look Right again e) Wait for vehicles to come to complete STOP before crossing f) Raise hand to attract the attention of drivers when crossing e) Cross briskly and observe oncoming traffic 9
1.3Walk on footpaths; not on the road. 1.4Cycle on designated cycling track. 10 Student Handbook 2013, pg 25
11 Footpath Walk On Footpath Use Traffic-Light Crossing
12 Red Man Green Man
14 Main Gate For Vehicles Only Side Gates For Pedestrians
15 Traffic barriers installed this year to slow down moving vehicles.
16 Cross carefully Road hump to slow down vehicles travelling on this road.
17 Home-School Travel Exercise Play Attend Lessons Learning Journeys Lightning/Fire Safe
1 Follow all safety rules of special rooms 2 Do not enter any special room without permission. 3 Wear the correct attire and protective gears when working in these rooms. 4 Keep all windows and doors open 5 Report classrooms defects promptly to the General Office (i/c: Mr Nasaruddin) 6 Refer to guidelines on special rooms in Student Handbook and those shared by subject teachers. 18 Student Handbook 2013 pg 25
19 Reminder – no furniture along corridor
21 Reminder - Furniture should NOT block classroom doors.
22 Free space for students’ movement REMOVE unused chairs Lower the window louvres
23 Well ventilated. No obstruction at classroom doors
2.1 Do not participate if you have a medical condition or are unwell. 2.2Have sufficient rest & drink a lot of water the night before. 2.3Wear correct attire and protective gears for your exercise. 2.4Follow the exercise rules/ instructions. 2.5 Obey Lightning Risk Alert promptly 25 Student Handbook 2013, pg 25
26 Always take note of our school’s Lightning Risk Alert whenever you are outdoor.
27 Red Flag Flashing Light
29 For emergency ONLY.
30 Take note of evacuation route
31 Evacuation Assembly Area Students to assemble according to classes
Safety isn’t just a slogan, it’s a way of life. ~Author Unknown 32