Why is PDHPE important?
What is PDHPE? PDHPE is not just exercise, it involves teaching kids about leading active and happy lifestyles, in the ways they interact with each other, as well as what they eat and how they exercise.
PDHPE has never been more important. Kids are spending more and more time in not only non-active activities, but activities that involve less interaction with each other than ever before.
This leads to loneliness and a sense of disconnection with their community, but it doesn’t have to be this way!
Learn to live a PDHPE life! PDHPE can teach us not only how to connect with our communities, but to do it in a way that is safe and enjoyable for everyone involved, without the need for drugs or antisocial behaviour.
Examples of things we learn about. -Active lifestyles -Healthy living -How to say no to peer pressure -What it means to be an individual - Road safety -Stranger danger -Discrimination and why it’s wrong